chapter four

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"I had the weirdest dream ever in a long time." Lisa wrote in her diary, hands shaking due to the lack of energy since it was very early in the morning. "I was in an empty room, and she was standing in front of me when I opened my eyes" Lisa kept writing, her pen filling the empty pages quickly. "I wasn't feeling anything, no pain, no anger. It was like God was giving me a break after so long. It felt good, relieving." Lisa confessed in her diary and looked at her phone, checking the time and getting up from her bed.

This morning routine must have been the most stressful and difficult part of the day since she had to be extremely careful not to wake anyone up. She wasn't ready to raise any suspicions as to where she was going every day. Her friends might be oblivious some times but they are not stupid for sure. It's not that Lisa doesn't trust them , it's that she's embarrassed for her own self. Lately Lisa was taking advantage of her train thing. She wasn't only taking the same train hoping that one day Jennie would just walk in the same cabin as her. She was taking that train all the way down to Daegu cause she was working there. Something that she also hid from her friends. Having a chance of meeting Jennie was the bonus.

Lately her parents had trouble supporting her studies, and Lisa could either drop off or find a working place somewhere. Since she was taking the train everyday to Daegu she figured she would at least take advantage of it. She was ready to just move on with her life and increase her income as much as she could. The last two years have up only been a downfall for her and she was feeling like she had lose herself completely,which she did.

"Where are you going?" Alex's voice appeared behind her, scaring her enough to jump on her spot.

"Jeez... You frickin scared me Chu" Lisa said after taking a deep breath. Alex's eyes analyzed Lisa's tall figure standing in front of her. "What?" Lisa asked once she noticed.

"Where are you going Lalisa?" Alex asked one more time.

Lisa thought carefully before answering but without making it obvious to Alex. "Jogging, why?"

Raising an eyebrow and looking up and down at Lisa, Alex didn't seem to bite it at all. "Jogging? Since when?" She asked and crossed her arms.

"A couple months now," Lisa stated. "That's why I always leave early in the morning" she said, proud of herself for not screwing up her mindset. "Anything else before I leave?"

"No, just, don't be late" Alex said, believing Lisa's words. "We need to decorate for Christmas" Alex added after a couple seconds. While nodding still, Lisa opened the door and left their shared apartment. Lisa knew that one day all her lies would crack and the truth would eventually come out but she was also hoping that by then she will move on and everything won't matter anymore.

She walked to the station as her thoughts were driving her crazy. This was the only way that Lisa could explain it, the way she felt resembled someone that was for sure losing their mind. Jennie was affecting her life, she was controlling her. It's something Lisa can't explain. She just couldn't get her mind off of Jennie, but maybe she just didn't want it either. Once she finally walked all the way to the station she was surprised to see the train already there.

"What the..." Lisa said under her breath and checked her watch. "This can't be it" Lisa said to herself and walked up to one of the guards.

"Excuse me," She politely said. "Is this the train for Daegu?" She asked and she saw the man nodding. "Doesn't it arrive in 10 minutes?" She then asked.

"No ma'am, would you like to get on board?" Then man asked and pointed at the door.

Lisa just nodded and got in the train without saying anything else. She walked the usual path that led to her cabin when something caught her eye. In the corner of her eye she saw a short dressed in black figure running past a few people, causing a small chaos. "People are crazy these days" she whispered to herself and got in her cabin, getting comfortable for the next 5 hours. Usually this trip lasted for 7 hours but since the old trains got replaced with new ones the trip would only last for five. She rested her head on the window and played some music from her phone, letting her eyes close for what seemed to be a minute before she fell asleep.

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