"BITE ME" - 2

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Chapter Two

Izuku was moved to a different dorm room, one that sat right next to Uraraka's.

Since her room is farther from all the rest, it made sense to put Izuku where she wouldn't be as troubled with the smells -her five senses being greatly heightened- and with someone who can watch and keep her calm in the mean time until arrangements for the teen have been made.


The once-used-to-be greenette didn't sit on the bed given to her for her bedroom. Instead, the blunette sat in the corner farthest from Uraraka. They've been extra close the past couple of days which lead to both of them using each other's first names.

"What did you need, Izuku? Are you uh...hungry again?"

Izuku blushes in embarrassment and lowers her head in slight shame but shakes her head 'no'.

"Izu, it's been a couple of days since you drank any blood. Do you want to see if you can eat food?"

Regardless of her denial, the blunette's stomach growls so loudly it might've been heard by the room across the hall.

Her face blooms into a red mess as she whimpers in slight hunger pains and hides herself by placing her knees against her chest and arms over her face.

The brunette that stays with her almost all day and every day just giggles and gets up from her seat on the floor to get something to eat for both of them.

"I'll go get something small for you to try. I'll be right back."

The girl cowering in a corner didn't say anything let alone make a move to stop her. As Uraraka opens the door she stops when an ash-blonde raised his hand to knock on the door that was now open.

"Good timing, Bakugo! I'm leaving to go get some food and something for Deku to try since she hasn't eaten since we left the clinic."

"Where is she?"

The brunette only points to the corner the girl in question sits. Moving to let Bakugo in and to close the door as she goes to get food, the ash-blonde goes to the blunette and sits a few feet away from her.

"Are you okay, Izuku...?"

The blunette flinches in surprise at hearing her actual name come out of her childhood bully's mouth rather than the mean nickname he bestowed upon her when they were smaller.

Izuku looks up and at the teen in front of her, confusion and surprise floating around her eyes as Bakugo looks at her with concern.

"Y-You...said m-my name..."

He nods to the girl and looks back at her only to get a bit uncomfortable when he sees her spring blue eyes fill to the brim with tears.

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, feeling the soft baby hairs at the nape only to have both of his hands brace against the floor to keep balance as his childhood friend crashes against his chest and death hugs him suddenly.

The tears form a soaked puddle at the mid-rift of his shirt as the girl cries into his chest.

"It's been... s-so long... since you l-last used my actual n-name, instead of D-Deku or something else m-mean...!"

"Sorry, Izuku... I'm sorry about that..."

The blunette looks up at him with a small smile, an all-too-familiar one that they always gave to reassure him as a way of saying 'All is forgiven'.

"I don't care about the past anymore. Just the now."

The first time the girl hasn't stuttered since reawakening. That's progress, the blonde thinks to himself.

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