"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter One

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"Get any and all survivors! Do not let any villains escape from the premises! Charlie go left, Beta go right! The rest of you follow me!"

Quiet footsteps pace quickly down the corridor, absent of any light that wasn't the moon. The radio warbles everytime one of the other teams contacted them.

"This is Charlie to Alpha, we are all clear of hostages on the left wing. We have captured two villains and are on our way back to HQ."

"Alpha to Charlie, confirmed to head back."

"Charlie out."

"Sir, we have hostages!"

Aizawa makes his way to where the other SWAT members on his team are. The sight burned his eyes.

"Alpha to all members, we have found where they kept the hostages... Bring help."

"Charlie to Alpha, copy that."

"Beta to Alpha, we have the rest of the villains tied up."

"All teams withdraw."

"Charlie/Beta to Alpha, copy that."

Aizawa looks at the remaining members and gestures to the teenagers and children in the room.

"Find any living and bring them to the front. The ones that didn't make it, cover them up."

"Yes, sir!"

- - - - -

"How many in total?"

"Nineteen are found dead at site."



The look on the SWAT member's face left something unsettled in Aizawa's gut. Something is weird.

"What is it?"

"We found her in a barred cell within a room separated from the others. She was covered in a white blood-soaked nightgown and her skin is stained with it. It seems... She has been eating...other humans."

Aizawa is never one to show emotions but, this? This surprised him.

"It seems she was an experiment that the 'LoV' mentioned in a notebook that was found by a computer on the other side of the building. They called her 'X01'. The same title is branded on the side of her cell as well as tatooed onto the back of her neck upon examination."

The soldier hands the pro-hero the notebook that had all the information needed for 'X01'. With a salute the soldier takes his leave to headquarters.

"It seems that girl is special if 'The League' took interest in her in order to experiment. But, what about the others? What do they all have in common for them to be of any interest?"

The number one hero, Almight, stood next to the underground pro. Something told the black haired male to look into the notebook given to him. So, he did. He figured if this notebook was important enough to be kept, then the answer lies within it. Opening it Aizawa's eyes widen and his heart speeds up.

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