"BITE ME" - 4

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Chapter Four

Slipping the fabric inflatable arm cuff down Izuku's pale arm Recovery Girl continues on with the physical by placing a thermometer under the blunette's tongue.

Even though Izuku was thought to not have a heart beat, the elder just wanted to make sure. Not at all to her surprise, the young girl didn't have any blood pressure. It flat lined at 0/0.

The thermometer beeped three times before the elder pulled it out from under the blunette's tongue to review what the screen says.

"Oh my! You have a normal temperature. That's very surprising considering you feel as cold as ice. How odd, yet interesting. Oh well, let's not give it much thought."

The young girl nods, and lets the elder do what is needed.

"Now, to make sure you don't have any blood borne illnesses, I need to take some blood."


Placing her arm on the rest she made a fist of her hand. After sticking the needle within the vein, the elder drew it only to find the young girl's blood was pitch black.


A click of the front door sounds as Izuku makes her way back inside the dorms, greeted by the smell of spicy herbs and loud arguments over 'Smash'.

"Will ya fuck-tards shut the hell up?! I'm trying to make lunch for ya shit-heads!"

The blunette winces not so much at the loudness but more so at the increasing cramps in her lower abdomen. They started earlier that morning, so it was weird feeling the pains and being slightly more emotional than normal.

Hissing inwardly at the dull pains Izuku walks to her room. Ochako already moved her belongings into the room as she is the one to help with the blood cravings as well as them being, officially, together as a couple.

Shutting the door behind her a soft click was made and alerted the other in the room. Upon seeing the blunette's expression and body language Uraraka's brow furrowed with concern.

"Are you okay, Izu?"

"For some reason my entire lower body has been filled with dull pains all day and have been getting worse..."



"Ooooh. I see now."

The blunette just hums in question as she literally plops onto the shared bed, letting gravity do its job.

"That's normal for girls every month. You may be having your first period."


Now it's Midoriya's turn.


The blunette pushes herself up a bit to look at the brunette with her blue eyes blown wide of confusion and disbelief. Ochako just chuckles and sits next to her other half, rubbing soothing and light circle on the girl's lower back.

Humming in relief when the touches of Ochako actually help the pain subsude for the time being, the blunette justlays her head on the other's lap and slowly dozes off for a bit, suddenly feeling extremely tired.

'I guess this is how my periods are...?'


Feeling an unfamiliar constant warmth spread across her abdomen Izuku opens her eyes, her vision blurred with sleep.


"You awake now, sleepy head?"

Hearing the brunette's voice calmed her mind down as her vision became clearer. Wondering what was producing the constant flow of warmth Izuku looks down to see a light beige colored pad with a chord attached that was wrapped in a small towel laying on her belly.

"It's to help keep the cramps at bay."

"Thank you, babe."

The brunette's cheek become dusted with a light summer pink at the lovey nickname, but cherished it all the same.

"Anything for my love."

Both smiling and leaning into each other's company neither wanted to move, but to stay with each other.


"What do you think those two are doing up there?"

The 'King of Perverts' Mineta drools at the several scenarios playing in his mind's theatre.

"Most likely not what you're thinking of you perverted pig..."

Mina says calmly as she smacks the purple headed idiot on the head.

"Midoriya came back from the clinic and she looked to be in pain. Do you think it's that time of the month? I mean, she is a girl now. Ribbit."

Tsuyu just thinks with her tongue peeking out just a bit then nods as the rest of the girls all give the blunette upstairs their sympathies.

"I bet Uraraka is helping to comfort her now. Can you believe they're together?"

Momo asks genuinly, not jealous or any other negative emotion showing let alone feeling. She is genuinely thinking.

The other girls nod along in acknowlegdement to the creation ravenette.

"They're so cute together!"

Hagakure just squeals slightly in excitement, the other following suit as they all start talking about the topics of romance and dating.


I'm sorry for the long wait!

I lost interest for this story, so, this is just a filler chapter until I can figure out how to continue this one.

In the mean time, I may be doing a new fanfiction.

Please send me ideas on how to continue this fanfiction! I ran out! I'm desperate!

PM me or comment, please!


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