"BITE ME" - 5

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Chapter Five

"You cheated!"

"No, I didn't! I swear! You gotta believe me, Izu!"

"Don't call me that!"

Uraraka is currently on her knees in front of the blunette, who is sitting on the couch, practically begging for Izuku to believe her. The said vampire only rolls her icicle blue eyes as she crosses her arms over her not-so-small chest.

"I didn't cheat!"

"Uraraka-chan, what did you do? Ribbit."

The rest of the residents of Class 1-A come down from the floor above to see what the racket is. Tsuyu being the one to ask the question on everyone's mind.

"Izu thinks I cheated while playing Soul Calibur 6 with her."

"Izuku it is very difficult, if not impossible, to cheat on that game."

Katsuki made his through the crowd of students, his statement echoing through Midoriya's mind. The blunette finally huffs out her frustration and uncrosses her arms.

"Fine. I believe you. Only because Kacchan knows games better than I do."

The brunette just smiles and hugs her girlfriend in a tight embrace. Despite Ochako having little to no muscle on her body, she can still pack a huge grip on someone enough to suffocate the victim.

"Ocha-ak-ko... C-Can't b-breath-the..."

The blunette taps out, showing Uraraka that she gives up. Realizing that she is suffocating her lover, she lets go of Deku. The blunette starts coughing like she was under water for a few minutes.


"You're fine. Just gotta remember not to hug that hard, okay?"

"Will do."

Both girls giggle as the others went about their day.


( Later that night after a party, and someone 'accidentally' spiking everyone's drinks... )

A dull thump sounds as Izuku holds Ochako up by her rear, the brunette's legs wrapped around the taller female's waist while being pinned to the wall of their bedroom.


The blunette hums in acknowledgement as she kisses and nips down the smaller female's neck, inhaling the sweet scent emitted unknowingly by the brunette's pheremones. Her hands still planted on the soft, cushions of Uraraka's rear, giving gentle squeezes here and there.

"O-On the bed. I want t-to do it on the b-bed."

Izuku nods and places her significant other on their bed, admiring the haloing effect the brunette's hair displays and cherishing the loving look in her umber brown eyes. Deku wasn't too drunk, but more so intoxicated by the sweet scent Uraraka was letting out. The scent that she only lets out, unkowingly, when she was 'stirred up'.

Ochako hums in appreciation of her request being fulfilled. Feeling the bed dip with both the girls' weight, Ochako automatically wraps her legs around Izuku's waist once more as the blunette places herself to where she's hovering over the brunette.

Pressing her chapped lips onto Ochako's soft ones, Izuku is already too far gone in the pleasure of just kissing her girlfriend, still not sure if they both want to go any further than what they were doing already.

Ochako wasn't drunk at all, just a little warm from the alcohol but nothing to what everyone else was feeling. She was still coherent and able to make sound choices, however, Izuku didn't seem to know that as the girl is hesitant on making any moves other than the kissing and little touches here and there. She needed to fix that.



The brunette could hear the taller girl's heart pounding loudly. She wants to make that nervousness go away. Uraraka was completely sure and comfortable, and wanted to go all the way.

"I want you."

"I-I want you, t-too, b-but... I don't w-want to take advantage of you while you're drunk..."

'Ah, that's why.'

"Trust me, I'm not drunk, Izu."

"I thought y-you were."

"I'm not. I only tripped because of someone leaving something on the floor that I didn't see in time."


Uraraka smiles gently and fondly as she pulls the blunette down for another kiss. Both end up deepening it after a few seconds and start moving their hands along each other bodies, groping and softly squeezing.

"I-Izuku... P-Please?"

Nodding, the taller female pulls both their shirts off and unclips the brunette's bra off revealing medium sized mounds of flesh that perked up upon the greeting of cold air.

Izuku then takes a moment to look at the beauty in front of her, and then kiss right above the junction between the neck and collarbone.


Kissing again, but a little lower, she continues to whisper encouraging words and compliments to the brunette, Ochako soaking it all in.


The light filters in through the window, tiny miniscule dusts floating throughout the little rays of sunshine, the floor was littered with clothing and assorted accessories.

A small groan forces its way out of the taller female's throat as she wakes up, Ochako following suit but with a small yawn. The girls turn and look at each other, both getting lost in each other's eyes as they drift closer, sharing a kiss. Towards the end the kiss gets a little more steamy.

"Wanna go again? Heheh."

Ochako giggles at the request, but feels the same.



I finally return!

This is the last chapter due to lack of ideas and inspiration for this fanfiction BUT I do have some other ideas that are somewhat similar and BNHA related.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Until next time,


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