"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Six

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It's been a couple of weeks of going to the academy that teaches the fundamentals of being a hero. Someone who fights crime and save those in need of help. Although everyone's opinions on what motivates said heroes varies.

Some do it for fame.

Others do it for money.

A very small percentage do it because their feet move before their minds have time to process what's happening.

For Izuku Midoriya, her body reacts on its own before her brain even registers what's in front of her. What motivates her is her past. She doesn't want anyone, child or adult, to go through what she had to experience.

However, others can't say the same.

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"So, why do you want to be a hero, Uraraka?"

The trio of students, which entails Izuku, Ochako, and Tenya, have gotten to be close as friends since the project they were assigned to do together about a week prior.

Right now, it is break time in between classes at which the students have fifteen minutes to walk around to get their blood pumping and to keep awake and energized. At this moment the three soon-to-be heroes are walking through the halls, keeping the classroom in sight.

The greenette asks the brunette this question as they already know why she had joined the class of heroic fundamentals. So, she is quite curious as to why her two new friends are pursuing this profession. Ochako blanches slightly at the question, before stuttering out her response. Izuku and Iida listening to every word that expelled from her lips.

"Uh... Promise you won't look down on me...?"

"Why on earth would we do that?"

Iida's hand starts doing its usual robotic movements that both girls figured to be a habit.

"It's a bit selfish, I think... I'm doing it for the money but, it's not what you think! I want to help my parents out, so, that they won't have to work so hard anymore. They worked their butts off just for me and I want to repay them by giving them money to see that they live comfortably and, they don't have to work..."

"That is such a noble reason, my friend! Your parents should be proud to have a daughter who is willing to do so much for them!"

"Th-Thank you, Iida."

Both look towards the greenette who stood there frozen on spot, staring at the brunette in awe. Her cheeks slightly turn rosy as she clears her throat and parts from her long intense gaze at the gravity user. Turning her head away towards the window, her voice wavers slightly with embarrassment.

"I think it's very sweet of you..."

Ochako smiles softly at the girl in front of her as one ridiculous but, very relevant thought pops into her mind at the sight of her friend blushing.

'She reminds me of a strawberry.'

The greenette is confused as to why her heart is beating so hard and so loudly at seeing Ochako and hearing her reason as to why she chose to become a hero. She is just a friend, so, why does she feel like the breath got knocked out of her? Izuki wonders this as Iida goes on to tell them about his heroic family and his older brother whom he is inspired by so much.

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