"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Two

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( Two days later )

"So, you're saying that she isn't stable?"

"While reading into her memories, she was, in fact, a male before the change, however, along with their body their mind changed with it. So, she's more emotionally sensitive like a female usually would be, hense the emotional outburst when they finally saw what they look like after ten plus years of never knowing. Only ever noticing the bodily changes that came with the quirk they aquired after being revived and experimented on for so long."

The memory-reader looks at the two heroes and a creature that is known for being the principal of a prestigious academy for training the future's upcoming heroes- Nezu.

"Then, what do you suggest we do to help them?"

Nezu perks his head out of the underground hero's scarf and looks thoughtfully at the girl on the otherside of the two-way mirror.

"I suggest you put her under your protection, a psychiatrist and a therapist to help her with the mental scars that traumatized her as well as getting her emotions under wraps. One thing I read from her memories that traumatized her the most besides having to drink blood from others to survive, is the fact that she was forced to watch her mother's murder in front of her."

Silence sung it's tune as they all look towards the girl who cried herself to sleep in the corner of the interrigation room from having another flashback. She looks so small and frail, so pale, one would believe she wasn't alive as she slept. The bags under her eyes revealing the fact she hasn't slept well, or at all, for months as they made the skin around her eyes look sunken in.

"As for the survival tactics, I suggest letting her have blood replacement tablets to help her emotional cravings and small little blood packets once a week to keep her health under wraps."

"Emotional cravings?"

Aizawa looks from the girl to the elder female raising a brow in question.

"When she has emotional outbursts, or an 'episode' where her emotions are unstable, she tends to thirst for blood. Lack of said element will lead to a vitamin deficiency and that can lead to her emotional outbursts as well."

The raven haired male nods in understanding as well as the other two with him. Nezu hums acknowledgingly to the situation before nodding to himself as he thinks through all possibilities and outcomes.

"We will take her under our care and see to her past experiences are taken of as well as her health. Thank you for your cooperation."

"It is my pleasure."

Bowing slightly, the older female takes her leave. The three males are left to their thoughts of what could come of this in the future.

"You two tend to her living arragements as I see to her mental and physcial health issues."

Nezu jumps from Aizawa's scarf onto the floor as he leaves the room as well before Almight speaks up finally.

"Where do we put her?"

"There is a spare room in the medical ward of our facilities here at the academy. Get her the necessities and decorate it to how you see fit for her to feel more at home and at ease."

"BLOOD MOON" [BNHA - IzuOcha]Where stories live. Discover now