"BITE ME" - 3

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Chapter Three

Everything seemed to be good and well. Unless you look in the common area to find Izuku and Katsuki having an argument. The entire class is there to witness it, most in shock that Izuku, who used to cower in fear from Bakugo, was actually holding her own against him.

( 5 minutes earlier )

"Ya damn nerd! Why the fuck are you even here!?"

"What do you mean?"

The blunette just looked at the ash-blonde in confusion.

"You should fucking be in your room! Away from everyone else!"

"Why would I do that?"

Izuku was actually and genuinely confused, but that only spurred the blonde more into agitation. The entire class looking from where they stood, watching the scene play out and only willing to intervene if it goes too far.

" 'Cause you're fucking dangerous!"

Uraraka gasped quietly and wanted to comfort her best friend. She was going to, only to feel the atmosphere of the entire dorm start to be suffocating. Looking around, the brunette found the cause of the suffocating air. Izuku.

The blunette hid most of her face behind her bangs, shadowing over her eyes, nose, and cheeks, leaving only her peony tinted lips to be seen. Setting down the book she had been reading prior to the argument, she gets up and faces the direction that Bakugo stood.

"I'm dangerous...?"

Not being able to read the room, being the dense ass he is, he continues arguing.

"Yeah, you shit-nerd! Are you that fucking stupid?!"

Izuku cracks her neck as it got too stuff from being pissed off, letting out an uncomfortable pop, following suit by cracking her knuckles. The lights start flickering as the aura around her became almost death binding that it was enough to make Katsuki realize what's happening and fall to his knees.

He expected her to quiver in fear of hurting others and run up to her room. What he didn't expect was when she lifted her head revealing her eyes and her voice changing, sounding demonic.

"I'm dangerous...?"

Her eyes were blood red, almost black with the pupils into slits like that of a demon. They held so much anger and hatred, and something else as they glowed. The lights still flickering every so often.

"You're not one to say shit! You've caused more pain and suffering than I ever did!"

"I only bit someone once, and regretted it instantly. You destroyed my childhood every single day! You physically bullied when I would try to stand up for myself and even when I tried to stand up for someone else you bullied physically!"

"There may be a way, you know? Pray to be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof! Does that sound familiar?!"

By the end of it, Katsuki was a trembling mess trying to fight off the strength of Izuku as she held him a foot or so off the floor using one hand around his neck, suffocating him even more than the atmosphere.

"I should kill you for even trying to act innocent..."

She drops him onto the floor, hearing him wheeze and cough erratically as she walks off to her room to cool off. The lights returning to normal as well as the atmosphere being more breatheable.

( where we are now )

The dorm was filled with deafening silence, only thing heard was the occasional coughing spell from Bakugo as he tried to manually fix his throat to make it more comfortable by drinking hot tea to soothe it. A dark bruise forming around on his skin from Izuku's grip already as Uraraka paced the floors of the living room.

"Uraraka, you need to sit down. Ribbit."

Tsuyu understood the issues, but pacing wasn't going to help the brunette fix or soothe the situation. That only made the brunette snap at the ash-blonde.

"You're so fucking stupid!"

She slaps the side of his head, most in shock that the brunette could even think of such language let alone capable of it.

"I get it already... God dammit..."

The brunette turns on her heels and stomps her way upstairs to Izuku's room. No one knew what to do except to watch from the sidelines.


As Ochako makes her way closer to Izuku's bedroom, she could hear faint sobbing. Knocking before opening it, the brunette closes the door behind her before she gets crushed into a tight hug by the blunette.

"I said something terrible to Kacchan!"

"That's why you're crying...?"

She pets Izuku's head to calm her down as they sank down to the floor and sat.

"I didn't mean any of it! I was just upset and somehow I became like that...!"

The blunette was sobbing even harder for awhile, until became soft hiccups here and there. The brunette holding her in her arms and placing her chin on the blunette's head.

"I guess everyone either hates me or fears me now..."

Ochako couldn't say anything to that. She didn't know whether if that was true or not now after what happened down stairs. She couldn't speak for the others. Instead she just kept her arms around the shaking girl in front of her and held her close.


Said girl hums in acknowledgement.

"Do you hate me..or scared of me now...?"

The brunette stills at the question. Only one thought going through her mind.

'Guess it's now or never.'

She pulls the blunette away a bit to lift her chin up to meet her brown eyes with her thumb.

"No, I don't hate you nor am I scared of you."


The brunette shakes her head 'no' softly as she gets closer to the girl in front of her, tilting Izuku's angle a bit more.

"I love you, Izuku..."

Closing the gap, Ochako places her lips against Izuku's softly and gently. It was a chaste kiss, but it meant the world to both girls.


The blunette tears up and Uraraka starts to feel guilty only for it to be chased away when Izuku pulls her down to kiss her again, but longer than the previous one.

Pulling away, both girls slightly panting and a stretchy string of saliva connecting to each others lips, Izuku's spring blue eyes looks up to Ochako's umber brown ones.

"I l-love you, too, O-Ochako..."


Just a little yuri for you guys.

Hope you enjoyed Bakugo getting scared shitless and the little kiss scene between Uraraka and Midoriya!

Thanks for the support! 💚


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