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Filler #1 - "Turkey Mishap"

"Come on, Almight, cheer up! Aizawa will like this! Plus you lost the bet!"

"He most certainly will not like this."

Yagi chose to ignore the 'loosing the bet' part of the cockatoo look-a-like hero's statement. Mostly because he couldn't argue against that. He did loose the bet.

"He will love it, Yagi! Don't worry!"

"I'm going to die."

( A week earlier )

Nemuri (Midnight) and Izuku chose to go to the karaoke place that just opened up around the school since they were bored and wanted to try something new. Somehow Hizashi (Present Mic) ended up joining them along with Toshinori (Almight).

"I bet you guys that I can sing better than all of y'all!"

"What's the winner's prize?"

The curvasious woman took a seat in on of the few booths that were in the room as she curiously eyed her coworker at his boisterous statement. The blonde male is also intrigued. Even though the vocal hero is loud as all hell, that doesn't mean he is a good singer. Midorya, however, chose not to say anything until the conditions were given.

"The losing party will have to do whatever the winner says for one favor."

This made the greenette nervous. She chose to sit back on this one.

"Okay, I'm in. It'll be interesting.~"

Nemuri licks her top lip seductively on habit while imagining something that pleases her if she won this bet.

"I will take on this bet as well, my fellow heroes!"

Toshinori inflated into his hero form once more to show his excitement. Izuku just wants to see what will happen.

Oh, how wrong both pro-heroes were. That trip left Izuku with a new found respect for the vocal hero.

( Back to the present )

Somehow, Midnight was able to get out of it by paying her part of the bet with money. Since Almight was the one who was the most intrigued with the bet, he ultimately lost.

And, now he is wearing a giant turkey on his head.

With sunglasses.

And a small bellhop cap.

In his buff form.

"Alright, make this quick, Yamada. What do you wa--...."

Aizawa just walked out of the room with a blank stare, mumbling to himself as he does.

"Did I smoke, too, much weed before leaving...?"

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