"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Three

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"Alright, young Izuku. Have you ever used your quirk while you were in containment...?"

The once again greenette looks at the tall blonde and shakes her head 'no' after thinking for a couple of seconds.

"Other than what my quirk requires of me to use as 'food', I don't know anything about it or what it does."

They have been working on her vocal volume since she changed her appearance back. She is now able to talk normally but, still has the habit of stuttering and lowering her volume when Izuku talks to someone she's never met before.

"Okay, then we will be working on that from today on. Once we figure out what your quirk entails, we will begin training."

"Mr. Yagi...?"

Her voice lowers in volume, so, Toshinori instantly knew she is beginning to feel depressed. The greenette tends to do that when she's upset or sad.

"Will I ever be accepted as a hero...?"

The older male knew the girl has her doubts on her abilities since her quirk isn't exactly the most pleasant, what with the needing blood as food and all. He can understand her hesitation but, Izuku has to take that step to becoming the person she wants-no- needs to be in order to put the past behind her.

"I think that once you find what your quirk's capabilities are and learn to control it you can be an exceptional hero, however, that is a step you have to make for youself if you want that to happen. No one else can make it for you. As for being accepted, well, that's for you to see for yourself. The future isn't as predictable as some claim it to be. Keep your head up and eyes trained on your goal, then you'll be where you need to be."

Izuku looks up at her mentor and nods slightly with a small smile on her lips. Her peridot eyes bright with determination that he hasn't seen in her before.


- - - - -

( 2 years later )

The greenette's forehead is damp with cold sweat as droplets fell to the dirt ground making an imprint with its salty residue. Her peridot eyes trained and focused as she perfected her quirk: blood control.

The crimson liquid held the consistency of ueblic, it is a liquid but it becomes stiff at the moment of contact, as she weilds it around her body. Only needing to make a small cut on her finger she is able to form a long, thin strand of blood that spirals around her body and weild it using extreme concentration and thought. Practice it enough and using it becomes second nature, like breathing.

"Come on, young Midoriya!"

With a loud crash Almight's fist forced impact on the girl with wind pressure. The walls behind her cracking from the momentum.

"A villain will not hesitant to wound you or even end you if given the chance! Keep your guard up and focus!"

The number one hero kicks the teen only to have one foot being wrapped with her blood strand, dragged upwards towards the high ceiling and then thrown across the room into the opposite wall, creating a large crater where he landed.

Being able to go on a one v one with the number one pro hero is an outstanding feat. It was an even bigger one to have said hero raise a white flag, commensing surrender.

"Very good, my girl. Very good."

"Why did you surrender?"

Coughing into his hand, he lifts it up revealing blood.

"You managed to hurt me. That alone is a big deal. I am proud."

Smoke filled the area around the hero as he deflated into his normal form, his hero costume becoming way too loose on his body. The girl smiles proudly and she helps the man sit down on a chair outside the training room and waits for Recovery Girl to show up.

"You gonna be okay? I mean, I did hurt you internally..."

"I've been through worse. Also, I've been meaning to talk with you about something."

Izuku hums in curiousity as she took a seat next to her mentor, glancing at him to begin.

"How would you feel about going to U.A. for becoming a hero?"

"Isn't that what I've been training for?"

The teen follows suit with a question of her own, causing the older male's eyes to widen before breaking out into laughter only to hack his lungs up.

"So, I take that as a yes?"


"You know it's not going to be easy, right? You might even end up with Aizawa as your teacher."

"You of all people should know that I don't need to be reminded of how tough life can get. Even if I do end up with the bipolar catepillar as my teacher, I've been through worse. I'm sure I can manage."

A smile graces her lips as Yagi chuckles and nodding with what she just said. A sudden throat clearing made both looks towards a fuming Recovery Girl as she went on a rant, scolding them on how they should be more careful when training, but healing them nonetheless.

The next month onwards will become very interesting to the greenette, that is guaranteed.

. . . . .

I am so sorry!! As you all know I was very sick but I still felt guilty for not being able to update this fanfiction.

I hope you all like this chapter even though it was a tad bit short compared to what I usually put. But a short chapter is better than no chapter, right?

As for your sweet surprise-

I am going to let you guys choose one more ship (other than the obvious IzuOcha ship) to be in this fanfiction!

So, please comment what you guys want to see ship wise!

Thank you for all the support!!


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