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Here's the information -

I am renewing this fanfiction, I love the idea and what I have so much that I don't want to end it like this. So, I am going to come up with new ideas on how to keep this one going.

I know I lost the original plans I had for this but, I really want to make this fanfiction better than what it is right now.

I have unpublished and deleted my other attempt, so, you won't find it anywhere on here. It was, too, messy and I could've done better. That's what I am doing now.

The renewal WILL be kept under this one, so, you don't have to worry about finding a whole other separate book aside from this one, however, there will be a new title. I will list it at the end of this long and tedious author's note.

There will also be a new cover, the one that's placed now won't be on here for much longer as well as changing a few things - okay, more like entirely - about Izuku's female appearence and their back story on this.

In other words, I'm changing the original idea a bit - a lot - to make it fit more towards my new idea. Some things will remain the same, such as; the IzuOcha ship, Bakugou's new outlook of a friendship with Midoriya, and Deku's relationship with AllMight - with a small alteration.

I hope you all will like the renewal of "Bite Me" as much as I do!

Please comment, vote, or whatever it is you readers do to make the author understand what you want or like about their fanfictions! 😊

I look forward to seeing how everyone takes to my new idea!

Til the next time,

- "Blood Moon" -


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