"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Seven & A/N

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Their foreheads touched as they began to close the gap. The brunette closing her eyes as her lips met the greenette's own. Tenderly kissing one another, the greenette pulls the gravity user closer by wrapping an arm around the girl's waist firmly. In turn, the brunette tangles her fingers within the taller female's hair and begins to deepen the kiss even more.


The girl couldn't tell if it was a nightmare or a pleasant dream. It could be both. The dream was frightening as it was pleasurable as it replays in the greenette's mind like an old video tape that warbles from age.

Her face erupts into a deep lava shade as she puts a hand over her mouth and her peridot eyes wide with surprise of having a dream like that for the first time.

'What is wrong with me?!'

- - -

The greenette hangs their head in their hands as they mope about the situation.

They had ran into a small child who doesn't know how to control their quirk very well just yet and now they are in a huge predicament that landed them in Recovery Girl's office with a very amused Midnight and confused Almight and an unhappy hobo teacher.

"Well, it seems only your gender altered. Everything else seems the same, however, I don't know if your quirk is affected by this nor do I know how long this will last. In the mean time, here is a spare boy's uniform in your size. Go change and then head to class with Aizawa. You're okay to go but, try not to use your quirk since we don't know how it is affected."

"Yes, ma'am..."

Taking the boy's uniform, Izuku sighs begrudgingly as he makes his way into the restroom to change from the girl's uniform into the boy's.

Looking into the mirror, he saw how he looks just like his old self before his quirk was given to him but, as an older version. His forest green hair short and curls in every direction, and his freckles seemed to have come back as well.

It was pleasing as he could now see what he would've looked like if he wasn't kidnapped and experimented on. He cheered up at this revelation as he exited the bathroom wearing the boy's uniform.

"You're such a problem child, you know that?"


"Awww, you looked cute as a girl but, somehow you look even more so as a boy!"

Midnight hugs the boy and doesn't realize that she's suffocating him until Toshinori clears his throat.

"Well, I guess this means we have to change what we call you until the quirk effects wear off and if it wears off."

The greenette secretly wishes it doesn't wear off and is permanent. Yeah, it was fine being a girl but, he was born a boy and wants to be himself again.

"Now, let's go to class and tell them what has happened as well as start lessons."

The boy blanches at that statement as panic and depression starts to set in and fight for control.

'How are they going to take this...? What about Uraraka?! Would she hate me because of this...?'

"Everything will be fine, young Midoriya!"


- - - - -

This chapter is a bit on the short side but, I just wanted to get some of the newest part of the story out there since I am now back to where I was living before I moved to live with my boyfriend.

In turn, I will be very busy with helping my Nana around the house and with cooking the meals since she had a stroke a day before I came back. Her right side isn't cooperating as well as it before the stroke, so, she needs physical therapy for quite some time.

I will try to update the story as best as I can but, the updates will most likely be on the short side until things start becoming less hectic and stressful.

Thank you for putting up with me and my absences and everything else inbetween.


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