"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Eight

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'Kacchan doesn't mind the change, if anything he's become even more protective over me. Uraraka... She's a bit iffy. She said she needed to get used to it and to give her time to do so. Iida is supportive no matter what, so long as it doesn't pertain to breaking any rules.'

The boy sighs for the umpteenth time as he sits outside the lunch hall. The breeze lightly caresses his skin, embracing his body in a soft hug as the sun showers down warmth to balance out the nippy cold of the breeze. It's getting close to winter.

There's a soft thump of someone sitting next to him on the bench. Izuku turns his head to find Ochako sitting in the seat beside him.

"Hey, Deku."


'Damn it... Why do I always stutter in front of her?!'

"I'm sorry if I seem like I'm avoiding you because of the change. In truth, I don't seem to be getting passed it very well... Not to say that you as a guy is terrible but, I'm so used to seeing you as a girl it's kinda hard to get used to it."

The brunette starts to blush as the greenette stares at her.

"I mean, you as a guy is really cute and good looking and I wouldn't mind if you were one--"

"I was born a boy, originally. This is what I would have looked liked if I wasn't kidnapped or experimented on. So, I'm just happy to have my original body back even if it's only temporary. I'm sorry if it causes you any trouble in the future or until it wears off."

The smile on Izuku's face could've put any flashlight to shame. It was bright to the brunette and filled her with many emotions. One being the most prominent. She had accepted the fact that she in love with the greenette when the feelings first started surfacing. It seems like, no matter the gender, she loves the greenette without fault. She wants to be with Izuku as either gender and wouldn't care as long as it was the greenette.

"Can I ask you something, Deku?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Do you like anyone? Like in a romantic sense."

His face turns beet red before he stutters out his answer.

"Y-yes, I d-do. W-why do you a-ask?"

"I was just curious."

Ochako looks down at her hands that lie in her lap, a bit depressed that the she likes likes another person that's not her.

'Why does she seem upset all of a sudden? All she did was ask if I like someo--- oh. I see now.'

He doesnt know whether it was the male confidence in his body or whether it was God giving him the courage he needed but, his body acts on its own.

"Uraraka, do you by any chance, like me?"

The brunette looks ups immediately with wide eyes and a bright red blush.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I'm s-sorry, y-you probably don't like me in that way at a--"

Without letting another word escape her lips, Izuku presses his own against hers. The kiss was soft but, it lasted only a few seconds. As the greenette pulls back from the kiss, Ochako can see he is blushing immensely as well.

"I never said who I like let alone that I didn't like you but... I guess, now you know who I'm in love with."

He subconsiously rubs the soft baby hairs on the nape of his neck as he looks away with a bright red blush that tinted his ears and neck.


The way she called his name made him love it even more, probably more than what's normal.


With a wide smile on her blushing face she says what she's been wanting to tell him for a long time.

"I love you."

The boy smiles as well as he pulls the brunette in his arms for a hug.

"I love you, too, Ochako."

The way her name rumbles in his chest and the way it sounds coming from him, made her think and feel not so innocent things which made her erupt into an even darker shade of red if (that was even possible).

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The chapter you guys have been waiting for has arrived!!

I couldn't even stop myself from squeaing at the cuteness of these two and I'm the one writing this.

Unfortunately, this fanfiction is near the end.

On the bright side, I have a new fanfiction for the IzuOcha ship in mind.

I also have an original book on the way and in the makings right now. So, once that is published, please try it out.

Thank you for all the love and support!!


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