"BLOOD MOON" - Chapter Five

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Just an fyi, Izuku was kidnapped a couple days after Katsuki developed his quirk, so, he never bullied Izu.



Red eyes stare blankly at the greenette as the information sets in.

He blinks.

He blinks again.


The ash-blonde stands up as he slams his hands onto his desk with wide eyes. Izuku looks over at him, confused by the boy's reaction. That was until his appearance settles in her mind, then her eyes widen as well.



Everyone stares between the two before Iida speaks up for the entire class.

"Do you two know each other?"

Their was simultaneous and at the same exact time.

"They're my childhood friend./!"

Ochako smiles at the odd timing of a reunion, but is happy nonetheless. She also started to blush as she really took in the greenette's appearance, and starts to blush. The brunette looks away to calm herself down before it became noticeable.

Tears spill as Izuku runs through the space between desks and hugs her oldest friend. The ill-tempered teen surpises everyone there by hugging her back and petting her hair gently, burying his face in the girl's hair to hide the tears the fell down without his permission.

It wasn't anything lewd. It wasn't weird. For them it was like embracing a sibling. What surprised the boy himself the most was how natural it felt hugging his childhood friend who used to be a boy that is now a girl and felt an extreme amount of protectiveness for her.

"Do you know how fucking long I've been looking for you...?"

His deep voice came out a hoarse whisper as he kept stroking through the greenette's hair and keeping her close as she sobs into his shirt.

- - -

The lunchroom filled with busy-bodies is buzzing with chatter as Izuku grabs her tray of katsudon and rice with a small bowl of miso to accompany it. The chopsticks clink against the bowl with every step she takes before the greenette sits down next to her oldest friend.

Katsuki welcomes the girl next to him and gives her a small smile, not his usual smirk but, a genuine smile before ruffling her hair a bit. Closing her eyes at the sudden motion by reflex, the boy earns a soft giggle from the girl and in return chuckles and goes back to eating his food.

The three he was forced to befriend look at him with wide eyes, unsure how to take in this new attitude from the usual firey-tempered and foul mouthed teen. Izuku looks at the three who sat in front of her in curiousity.

One has bright red hair in a spiky fashion, while the second has mustard yellow with what looks to be a bolt on one side of his bangs. The last male has jet black hair and very noticeable elbow joints which she believes to be part of his quirk.

"So, your name is Midoriya?"

The red head spoke with a bright smile and a friendly tone as he held out a hand for the girl to shake. In turn, Izuku grabs his hand gently and shook it while nodding 'yes' to his question.

"I'm Eijirou Kirishima! Nice to meet ya!"

She notices the ash-blonde turn away slightly from the group and his ears a bit red but, doesn't bring it up. Instead, she smiles to herself at the notion that her friend might have a small crush on the red head.

"Nice to meet you, too. You two are?"

"Denki Kaminari."

"Hanta Sero. Although Bakugou over here doesn't call us by our actual names."

The boy mentioned stiffens immediately as he knows what's about to happen.

"What does Kacchan call you then?"

Kirishima smiles sheepishly all the while rubbing the baby hairs on the nape of his neck.


"Pikachu Reject."

"Tape Dispenser."

The girl blinks before she lowers her head. The explosion-quirked teen tries to get up from his seat, at which the three watching became confused as to why. The greenette's bangs shadowed over her face leaving only her lips visible.


All three boys shiver at the girl's tone while the boy in question gulps audibly before turning towards her, tugging at his tie nervously.

"Y-yes, I-Izucchan?"

"What did I tell you would happen if you call people rude names again?"

"I, uh... BYE!"

The teen took off running only to be slammed into the wall farthest from the tables leaving a huge crater from the impact. A red liquid string drops the ash-blonde, letting him fall to the floor with a loud pained groan.

Bakugou looks up to find a very pissed off Izuku Midoriya as her hair is silver and eyes a dark crimson once more. Her blood snakes its way around his ankle to lift him upside down about four feet in the air, dangling.

"Izuku, please put me down! I'm begging you!"

"Not until you apologize."

"I'm sorry I call them rude names!"

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to them."

The three boys were jaw-dropped at the scene of a very frightened and submissive, as well as a curse-word free, Bakugou.

"I'm sorry I call you guys names instead of your actual ones!"

The girl looks towards them to see if they approve or not, in turn all three nod. Izuku smiles sweetly and innocently as she drops the ash-blonde four feet from the air head first and goes back to her seat and eats her food. The girl's hair returning to its natural green hue and her eyes back to the normal peridot.

Everyone who was watching sweat dropped and made a mental note:

'Remind me not to piss that girl off...'

"BLOOD MOON" [BNHA - IzuOcha]Where stories live. Discover now