Easy Target

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Chapter 6

I stayed up all night crying and trying to figure what I did to deserve a life like this. Who was I going to call? Who was going to believe that Brandon was beating me? On top of that he flaunted his affair with my assistant in my face. I was going in circles. I kept saying I wanted out, but I continued to stay. To see him take her to bed completely blew my mind. Why wouldn't I allow anyone to save me? Trent knew. I saw it in his eyes and I'm pretty sure my scary self confirmed what he already knew. He would've saved me like he did before, but this time I just couldn't allow him to.

"Camille, Brandon wants you to make us breakfast." Paige said standing over me while I sat there on the couch with my knees to my chest. I didn't respond. I just looked at her.

"Did you hear me?" She asked sitting next to me, rolling her eyes and huffing. "Look, it ain't personal. I'm not a home wrecker or nothing. I just needed some things and Brandon was that opportunity. But anyway, we need breakfast before we go to work."

On my way to the kitchen I heard her say, "It's not like we were really friends." I stopped in my tracks and thought about it. She was right she had no loyalty to me. If my husband, who stood in front of God, family and friends didn't honor our marriage then she had no reason to.

I went to the kitchen and pulled out eggs, bacon and pancake mix for breakfast. I felt like a damn servant cooking for them. When I was done cooking I went back to the living room to stare at one of our wedding pictures. Just as I sat down Paige went into the kitchen to eat her breakfast that contained my spit, snot and tears. I looked so happy, so full of life. What happened? What happened is I became weak. I was Brandon's puppet. I was Brandon's punching bag. I was Brandon's maid. I was Brandon's, I belonged to him. At that moment I decided that I didn't want that anymore.

"Camille," Brandon started while standing in front of me tying his tie, "you need to wash the sheets and don't forget that I want steak tonight."

"Okay." I said getting up and going towards the stairs. "Last time I checked your whore's hands weren't broken." I thought I'd only said it in my head, but when I felt my head being jerked back by Brandon pulling my hair I knew I had said it out loud.

"I didn't recall asking for your opinion, did I?" He yelled gripping my hair tighter and tighter. I could feel and hear my hair being pulled out by the roots.

"I'm sorry. Let go, Brandon!" I pleaded with tears streaking my face. I was trying to pry his hands from my head, but he was too strong.

"Get up stairs and strip." He whispered with a deadly voice as he pushed me towards the steps.

"Brandon, are you eating?" Paige asked from the kitchen. "I have to go home and shower still. I wouldn't want to be late for work ya know?"

He walked over to the foyer to say his goodbyes and let her out. On the way out he told her that she was "in charge of the office" because I wouldn't be in. I still hadn't gone upstairs, but once I heard that I ran up to our room and started packing a bag. I knew that my disobedience would cost me and when he walked back in and saw what I was doing he started laughing. He loosened his tie and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"So, you want to test me today?" He asked me walking up to me. "Hmm? I'm starting to think that you like when I beat your ass." He said pacing back and forth in front of me.

"I can't do this anymore." I whispered looking at the floor playing with my fingers.

"What'd you just say?" He asked and stopped directly in front of me. "Repeat what you just said. Now!" He yelled at I jumped at the sound of anger in his voice.

"I'm leaving." I said a little louder, but not much and he laughed.

"You are so weak. This-" he said pointing between us "ain't over until I say it is! You ain't going nowhere." He took the suitcase and threw it across the room breaking the lamp on the nightstand. He started walking towards me until I backed into the closet door.

"Why are you doing this to us? Are you cheating on me, Camille?" He asked digging his finger into my forehead until it hit the door.

I shook my head no. My lips were trembling too bad for me to even form words. I was looking for a way around him, but the only way out was for him to move. He had me pinned to the door, staring me in the eyes breathing like a raging bull.

"No one is ever going to love you like I do. If I can't have you no one will." He said and he punched me in the stomach. Leaving me breathless. I crawled on the floor clutching my stomach as he sat on the bed watching me like I was his prey.

"You know why I picked you, Camille? You were an easy target. Simple, weak and pathetic." He laughed as he stood and kicked me making me roll over on my back. "Just like you are now. Get up!" He said grabbing me by my neck and pushing me against the door as he took off his thick leather belt.

"Since you want to be childish you're going to get a childish ass whoopin" he said swing the belt hitting me all over my body. I still had on my work clothes from the day before so he wasn't hitting much skin, but those licks were burning.

"I'll stay. I'm sorry." I cried to to shield my face from the belt buckle he was wildly swinging. I tried to run and he tripped me. "I'm sorry!"

He pulled me towards him and got on top of me hitting me anywhere his hands to decided to reign punishment on my body. I screamed and cried for help. It was pointless because no one would hear me. I prayed that God would make him stop. I prayed that God would let the next hit be the hit to take me out. It was like he wanted to hurt me just enough to keep me alive. The look in his eyes was like he was possessed. His eyes were really dark and he was sweating and mumbling words every time he hit me. I was crying so hard that I hiccuping. He just stopped and moved my hair from my face that was mixed with blood and sweat. He bent down and kissed my busted lip.

"You're mine and I love you." He said and he bit me in multiple places leaving love bites. I had no more fight left in me. I was weak physically and emotionally.

Brandon got up and took another shower and got dressed for work again. While he was in the shower his phone rang over and over again. From the ringtone I could tell that it was his brother. I was laid in the same spot he left me in. Crying, hurting and praying. This wasn't love. It couldn't be. He picked me up and threw me on the bed before mumbling about me making him late for work. I was balled up in fetal position when he came over and kissed my cheek before he grabbed his phone and keys and headed to the door.

"I'll kill you before I let you leave me. Remember that the next time you decide that you 'can't do this anymore'." He said and walked out.

I noticed that he left my keys and my phone on the dresser. I found enough strength to get to the dresser to grab my phone. It was two percent so I had to move fast before it died. I called with the phone going to voicemail twice. I called again praying to God that they would pick up.

"Good morning." I was still crying and breathing heavy. "Camille?"


"Where are you? What's wrong?"

"Home." I croaked out. "Trenton, please hurry." I said before my eyes closed and my world went black.

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