I Love You

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I thought Ash cared about me, but she was just as sick as the rest of them. The lies and the deceit that I've experienced, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It all started to make sense how she befriended me and wanted to know things about me. She was keeping tabs on me for her and Will's sick game. There was no point in asking why. Why was irrelevant because at the end of the day they just wanted to see me hurt.

I looked at Will though my blurry vision hoping and praying that somehow Brandon would be able to save me like he did before. I didn't want him to walk into a trap, but there was no way I could warn him. I was petrified for me and for him. This was a dangerous game with too many spun webs of deceit. I didn't know who to trust, but I prayed that God would come through for me. He had to. If He never gave me a yes for anything else I prayed that He would spare our lives.

"God, please spare our lives."

Bre took the cuffs off and led me to the door so that I could let Brandon in. His face showed his shock once he saw the bruises on my face. Will was still hiding in the kitchen waiting for Brandon to get completely inside.

"What happened to your face?" He asked concerned.

"For the first time it wasn't you." Bre said coming from behind the door putting the gun in Brandon's back. He put his hands up in the air to show his surrender. "Turn around."

"Bre?" He asked looking back and forth between the two.

"Yes, baby. Now, play nice and this will end well for everyone." Bre said pushing him on the couch.

Will came out of the kitchen and stood next to Bre. He had blood all over his clothes from moving Ashleigh's body.

"Brandon, you finally made it." Will said smiling at him.

"Will, you can't be serious right now. What's wrong with you? Is this about Camille? She doesn't-"

"No! This is about everything that's been going on my entire life. You got everything. You always get what you want. Camille was the first person who was nice to me for me and not because of who our father was and you came and just snatched her away from me." He wasn't yelling, which made it scary.

"Will, just let him go. We can work this out." I said to try to get him to calm down.

"You're lying! Even when he was beating your ass for breakfast, lunch and dinner you didn't leave him. Why now?"

"Ash is out of the way and if you let him go we can be together. I don't love him anymore."

"See baby?" Bre said walking behind Brandon, "She doesn't deserve you. Look at how fast she turned on you."

I knew all of us weren't leaving out of there alive. I just wasn't sure who would walk away from the situation.

"I have to kill him." Will said randomly. "That's the only way I can have Camille and the money."

"No!" Bre yelled. "That wasn't the plan. You said we were getting rid of Camille. Why are you always in the way?" She glared at me.

"Look, whatever y'all want to do with me do it. Just let Camille go. She's suffered too much already."

"She hasn't suffered enough." Bre spat.

Bre walked over to the entertainment center and started pacing back and forth. She was mumbling incoherent words and pulling at her hair. I was trying to watch her and keep an eye on Will who was now in front of Brandon with his gun in his hands.

"Will, please don't do this." I begged with my heart racing.

"How does it feel to be on the bottom? I've been in your shadow all of my life. I've always had to fight for attention. I'm a grown man, but I always felt like a little boy when compared to you."

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