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The day that we buried Daddy Grant was long and exhausting. I spent a majority of the morning helping Ash cover up her love taps. I tried to talk her into leaving, but how could I? I s had one foot in the door. We were getting ready to go out and head towards the church when Brandon grabbed my hand. I turned towards him with a questioning look and raised my eyebrow at his hand on me.

"Yes?" I asked pulling my hand from his.

"Camille, I need you." He whispered looking into my eyes.

I told Trent that I would be fine and that he could go ahead to the church. He nodded, buttoned his black suit jacket and walked out.

"Thank you." He said putting his hand on my lower back and leading me out to the family car.

Brandon held my hand the entire ride from the church and through the processional. As heartless as they were they both loved their father. Occasionally, I would look over at Brandon and he was in a daze. Will looked like he was over it and ready to go have a drink. Ash was crying and I'm sure it wasn't because she was so sad that Daddy Grant had passed. Daddy Grant's service was a celebration of life so there was no slow walking, sad song singing or unnecessary hollering. I was more than shocked when Brandon got up when they asked for special tributes.

"My father." He paused and took a deep breath. "My father was a great pastor, friend, counselor. He was always there for the people who needed him. People aren't always who they seem to be because in reality my father was a selfish bastard."

I looked over at him shocked like everyone else. People were whispering as Will walked up to the podium and tried to pull him away, but Brandon wasn't having it. Will looked at me asking me to help him.

To help smooth this transition the choir started to sing another song. I walked up to Brandon and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go get some air. Come on." I said leading him out of the side door.

It was hot out so I took off my jacket and waited for him to calm down. We made it back inside just as the preacher was giving the eulogy. As I sat there I wondered what would've been said about me if Brandon would have killed me. Would people tell the truth?

After everything was over the family went back to the house just to unwind. Of course Trent was with me the entire time.

"I have to run. I still have a meeting with a client at 5. Will you be okay?" He asked me eating a piece of pound cake off of a napkin.

"Yeah. I'll have Ash--um, no I'll have Sista give me a ride. She's been here all week and isn't leaving anytime soon." I said looking Around making sure I saw her.

"Alright. I'm out then. Call me if you need me." He kissed my forehead and walked out.

Ash walked up to me and said that Brandon wanted to see me in his old bedroom. I wasn't sure how this was going to play out. I know now wasn't the time to talk about our marriage, but I didn't want to give either of us false hope. Once I got upstairs I knocked on the door as I opened it.

"Brandon. What did you need?" I asked walking over to the bed.

He was laying on top of the comforter in a beater and black basketball shorts with his arm across his eyes.

"We don't have to talk, but can you please just lay with me?" He asked lifting his arm up.

I still had on my black dress, but I climbed in the bed behind Brandon. He turned on his side and pulled my hand so that I could caress his head. Running my fingers along his waves always relaxed him.

"Thank you." He mumbled and minutes later he was sleep.

I laid there thinking about what I was doing. I kept thinking back to the abuse that I endured from him. Then I thought about why I even married him. In the midst of thinking I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was completely dark and we were tangled up in each other. When I looked up I saw him staring at him. He was looking at the way he use to before he changed. Before I could say anything he leaned down and kissed me. I pulled back and fought it at first, but I eventually gave in.

I clearly wasn't thinking because we went from kissing to taking clothes off. The next thing I knew my body was experiencing all kinds off ecstasy and bliss. It wasn't forced, it felt so wrong, but at the same time it felt so right.

I fell into a coma after our ride had ended and woke up hours later. I looked at my phone and saw that it was after three in the morning. I also saw the missed calls, texts and voicemails from Trent. I eased out of the bed finding only my dress and my bra. I wasn't going to waste time looking for my underwear. As I made my way to the door I looked at Brandon as I shook my head while biting my lip. As I walked to downstairs I realized that I would need to call a cab. I walked a few blocks away, with my heels in my hands to a nearby park, where I called a cab service. I sat on the bench once again thinking about what happened. It was only a ten minute wait until the cab pulled up. I gave the cabbie Trents address and sat back with my head against the seat.

"What the hell did I just do?"

What happens next?? I don't even know. Thanks for rockin with me. I try to do what I can to entertain y'all. Over 1k!! I really do appreciate you all!!!

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