I Wasn't Ready

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I really didn't do anything on Friday, but take care of things around the house. I just wasn't in the mood to do anything, but Saturday was a different story. I went to get a silk press and a manicure and pedicure. Nurse G was right. I was looking a hot mess. Even if Brandon did wake up, I wouldn't want him to see me like that.

When I finished at the salon I was on my way to the mall when Trent called and asked if I wanted to meet him for lunch. We ended up meeting at Applebee's after I finished shopping. We were catching up when Trent brought up something we decided that we wouldn't talk about anymore.

"I think we need to talk about it, Mimi. Those dreams are back."

"What do you mean they're back?" I whisper-yelled at him. "I still think you should've told me that's what was going down that night. Never mind. This isn't the place to discuss this." I told him looking around the restaurant.

He shook his head and said, "You're right." He cleared his throat, "So how's your new found freedom?"

"It's different. I'm so use to being at the hospital, but I needed this." I took a sip of my drink. "I need to-"

"Bre called me." He cut me off.

"What? Where is she? Why is she calling you?"

"I don't know. It's a blocked number. I told her we had nothing to talk about and she spazzed out and starting screaming how you were going to pay for ruining her life. I hung up on her. She's crazy."

"I don't have time to worry about Bre. My concern right now is Peyton. That baby shouldn't be in the middle of this mess."

"True, but with Bre it's her way or no way."

"I have enough on my plate right now. I just have a feeling that something bad is about to happen."

We ended up going back to Trent's for a little bit. I helped rearrange and decorate his living room. "Helped" as in I did it while he watched Sports Center in his room. He had everything already it was just on the floor in boxes and bubble wrap.

"I like it. Good job, Mimi." He said looking around the living room. "Since we're in here how about we talk about what went down the last time you were in here."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Trent." I avoided his eyes and arranged the pillows on his couch.

"Oh, but you do. If you don't I can refresh your memory. Xavier Reese." He laughed and I gave him a side eye.

"What about him?"

"You had the reverend shook, Cam. He kept asking about you."

"All we did was watch a movie and eat ice cream."

"No, the movie watched y'all and you fed him your Talenti gelato."

I just looked at him like i was kid caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I would've loved to have said that, that night with Xavier was innocent, but it wasn't.

"Why are you playing with that man like that? And why didn't you tell him you were married?"

"Trent, leave me alone." I laughed. "It's not that big of a deal. We didn't do anything. I'm sure he has enough women falling at his feet that doesn't need to be worried about me."

"You li-"

"Don't do it." I cut him off from saying that I liked Xavier.

"Okay. Okay." Trent put his hands up in surrender. "But just know that he'd treat you right."

"Are you going to church tomorrow?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes, ma'am. Wouldn't miss it. I already have my clothes picked out." He smirked at me and I knew then that he was up to something.

"Bye. I'm going home. I'll see you in the morning, heathen."

"Let me know you made it home." He said as walked me out.

If it was one place we shouldn't have been avoiding it was the church. It was apparent that none of us could fix ourselves. When I got home I let him know that I was in and for the millionth time that day I checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls from the hospital. Still no change.

I had to remember that I was in church when my eyes landed on Will walking in late like he was the prince of Zamunda. I took a deep breath and decided to focus on why I was there.

"Trent, do you have any gum? I'm hungry." I whispered as the choir stood to sing before the preacher came forth.

"Here." He said pulling out a pack of Cobalt 5 gum.

You don't know my story
All the things that I've gone through
You can't feel pain
What I had to go through to get here

I closed my eyes and rocked side to side as I listened to the words of the song. I knew I was going to cry. I reflected over my life and realized that even when I had nothing, I still had God. Trent placed Kleenex in my hand and rubbed my back as they continued to sing. I wasn't the only one moved because even when I came back to myself people all over the sanctuary had their hands lifted. Some were crying or just reflecting and reverencing God.

After we all calmed down one of the ministers came to the pulpit to introduce the preacher who was "auditioning" for the pastoral position. He said that his biography was in the bulletin, but for whatever reason I couldn't find it. I had already asked the usher for two extras and she was already giving me the side eye.

"Can I see your bulletin?" I asked Trent. I really wanted to read.

"Nah. You straight." He said and never looked my way.

Before I could say anything my phone started to vibrate. I immediately looked down and saw that it was the hospital calling. I rushed out of the sanctuary to answer the phone.


"Mrs. Grant, it's Jalissa. it's very important that you get here right away." She sounded very nervous and unsure of what she really wanted to say.

"What's going on? Is he awake?"

"It's something you'll have to see for yourself. Just hurry."

I ended the call and rushed back in to get my purse. I told Trent I was headed to the hospital. I was so concerned with what was going on that I didn't realize he was sitting there. Trent got up and followed me out.

"I introduce to you the preacher of the hour, Rev. Xavier Reese."

I froze in my tracks and turned to see Mr. Ignorant behind me with a stupid smirk on his face. He knew Xavier was going to be preaching there which was the only reason why he asked me if I was going to church. I shook my head and rushed to my car tossing Trent the keys so he could drive us to the hospital.

The car wasn't even completely stopped and I was out and running into the hospital. Trent caught up to m because I had to wait on the elevator. I would've taken the stairs, but he was on the seventh floor. We ran down the hall and I rushed into Brandon's room. I wasn't ready for what I saw.

Hey lovelies there's a little cliffhanger for y'all. I'm sure it's not what you think either!
Hit me with some guesses.

Shout out to @AminaOmar thanks for the support, doll. I really appreciate you!

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