Satan's Mistress Part 1

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"She's here." She said as soon as I got in her car. "I don't know how she got my address, but she was on my doorstep at six a.m."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked putting my seatbelt on as she sped off into traffic.

"Satan's mistress! Yo mama, my egg donor!"

"I wish you would've told me because I would've kept my happy self in Texas." I side eyed looking up from my phone.

"Hell no! I was surprised. So guess what, whore? You're surprised too!" She said stopping by Wendy's so we could eat.

"Trent booked me a ho-"

"For what?" Justyce cut me off and pulled up so we could order.

"She ain't stayin with me. I wish I would. Mama or not. She ain't droppin off none of her demon eggs in my house to be planted."

"Justyce!" I laughed so hard because she was so serious.

I wasn't ready to face my mom. Only because I was a pawn in her game. She felt that I owed her because she married my father when she was pregnant with me. That's all she said to me so to keep her happy I did whatever she wanted. I was her puppet and I wasn't as strong as Justyce to cut the strings.

I had been in Cali for two days and hadn't heard anything about or from my mom. Maybe I shouldn't have thought about her because as soon as the thought faded Jus came to tell me she was there.

"Camille." She said looking around the house as if she was disgusted with her surroundings.

"Mother." I said sitting in an oversized chair that was placed in a corner.

"How did you get here if you don't have any money?" Jus asked standing with her hand on her hip.

"Honey, I sit on a gold mine. I'll always have access to money." She boasted crossing her legs.

"So why the hell were you asking me for money the other day?"

"Just to see what I could get out of you. We see where that got me."

"Mother. Can you please not?" I asked trying to stop an argument.

"The only reason you're in my home is because Camille is here. What do you want?" 

Before she could answer Justyce's husband, Daniel, walked in. He couldn't stand my mother enough to even greet her. He turned right back around and we heard the front door slam.

"I figured she'd eventually end up here. Camille, I need you to go home to your husband."

"Why would she go back and he's beating her? What kind of mother are you?" Justyce asked pouring her a glass at the bar.

"A mother who's collecting a debt."

"Mom, I'm not going back. He almost killed me!" I said and bit my lip.

"Stop doing that pathetic lip biting and put your big girl panties on. Either go home or do me a favor."

"What kind of favor?" Justyce asked squinting her eyes at our mom.

"Camille knows. It's the same favor she's done plenty times before."

I looked at her wide eyed with tears threatening to fall. She couldn't have possibly been thinking about asking me to do that again. It wasn't asking as much as it was a demand.

"What is she talking about, Cammy?" My sister asked walking up to me.

I sat there in shock as the memory of the first favor came flooding back to me. I couldn't take it. I hadn't thought about her "favors" in years. It was a dangerous game she was playing. There was a motive for everything my mother did and bringing that up in front of Jus was done purposely. I went to Cali to clear my head, but I ended up with my vision cloudier than when I left home. Even with my life in shambles I wanted her happy. Sadly, my mother wasn't too concerned about me or my life. My past and my present were colliding and there was nothing I could do about it.

I've said it before and I'm about to say it now.  I love and appreciate you guys! (No, I don't know you, but I love everybody! Lol) Thanks for reading, loves!

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