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It had been over a month since I had been to see Brandon. Nurse G would call or text me every chance she got to give me updates. It had been weeks since testing and observation to see if he progressed into a vegetative state. He was still in a coma. I never responded to her texts about him and when we were on the phone she would just say "a patient" when referring to Brandon. I knew good and well she was talking about him. I just didn't care to be bothered at the time.

I threw myself into event planning, devoting a lot of time to Zay's parent's anniversary party. We were only friends and he was true to his word. He never hit on me or tried to take advantage of me during my weak moments. He really was the perfect gentleman. Even though I was working his parent's party, he wanted me to enjoy myself. I had already met his parents because I needed to interview them for their anniversary DVD. His parents were very nice and very much in love. Of course, naturally I was running like crazy doing last minute things the day of the party.

"I have an invoice that I ordered and paid for a cake from Unique Desserts so why don't I have one?" I asked, the manager, Victor.

The cake was supposed to have arrived at the venue at three o'clock and it was a little before four thirty. Both my assistant and myself had called and they would either answer and put us on hold or they wouldn't pick up when we would call back. I was over playing games so I took my happy self up there and Camille was not happy.

"We sent the cake out at two thirty and the driver got into an accident. The cake was destroyed and the driver's in the hospital."

"You couldn't have told me that when I called? I'm sorry about your driver, but what am I supposed to do about a cake?"

"I don't know. We don't have anything on hand, you know we only make custom cakes, Camille."

"When you found out about the cake I'm sure you could've made another one or at least tried to."

"That would put us behind. We don't have time to just make cakes whenever." He said, clearly irritated.

"So just screw Camille, the party and the 125 people the cake was supposed to feed, huh?"

"You know it's not-" he started, but I put my shades on and turned to leave.

"I'll remember this the next time I'm doing recommendations." I walked out of the door immediately calling my assistant Shannon.

"Shannon, we have two hours until this party starts and I need one hundred and twenty five cupcakes."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Go to Party City and grab the fiftieth anniversary cupcake toppers and wooden skewers with Gold stars to match the balloons. I'll need cake and cupcake stands. Call Courtney and tell her to use the credit card to get as many cupcakes as she can."

"Courtney is helping with decorations and they're not done, Camille." She said and I could tell she was moving fast by her breathing pattern.

"Umm, call Khadijah and have her go. We can't wait for them to make any. The party starts at six. Just let her know to call me with a count. Okay?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way to Party City now. I'll see you in a few."

"Hey! Grab gold sparklers and if you can edible glitter too."

Between the two of us we went to four different bakeries to get cupcakes. At the last bakery I purchased already made cupcakes. Before I left I noticed a lady had just finished frosting a round cake with white frosting.

I ran back in and asked "What kind of cake is that?" I asked her pointing to it.

"It's a yellow cake. Did you want it?"

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