The Beginning

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Year & a half later

My life had a much deserved sense of normalcy. That had been a rough year in my life and for whatever reason I couldn't catch a break. If it wasn't one thing it was another, but that chapter in my life is over. With much counseling and prayer, I couldn't have been happier. Sadly, I would have to work on trusting again after so much betrayal. There was a time when I was would wake up during the night because I was having nightmares. They weren't completely gone, but it was no longer an every night thing.

Coming from that time in life I never thought that I'd get the chance to be happy. It was so new that I was more than happy to experience it daily. As bad as I had it I know that everything that happened to me helped shape and mold me. I've learned from past mistakes, my own and others, that nothing shouldn't be taken for granted. I had every reason to give up on life, but I didn't. I learned to be an overcomes and stand tall in the face of trials. I bet no one thought I'd actually survive that hell I lived.

"Hey, baby, are you okay?" I was pulled from my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah. I couldn't be better. Just doing some thinking." I smiled and kissed his lips. "Just ready to get this over with." I said holding my hand out.

"Be patient, butterfly. I don't have to give it to you."

"Actually you do, you're the one who got me pregnant. So, Brandon you do have to give me the Fruit loops and orange juice." I gave him the evil eye.

Brandon and I decided that we really did love each other. Rather, I came to the conclusion that I really loved him. Some would say that I was stupid for giving him another chance, but no one had to go through what I did just to get to my happy. We were made for each other and we let outside elements predict the future of our relationship, our marriage. He risked his life twice to save me. I didn't fall in love with my hero, i fell in love with my soul mate all over again. After nine months
of intensive couples therapy we renewed our vows. I'm pretty sure that our baby was conceived in Venice during our "honeymoon."

"Okay. No need to get hostile." He said kissing me and sitting the bowl of cereal on the table in front of me laughing.

"You play too much." I said putting a spoonful in my mouth. I paused because it was too quiet. "Where's that little girl? It's too quiet in here."

Brandon got up to go see where little Ms. Peyton was. She four going on forty. She had so many of Bre's mannerisms that it was scary sometimes. Thank God she was only showing positive traits at the moment. I prayed that it would stay that way. I was so scared as to what we would tell her when she really wanted to know what happened to Breanne. It was such a tragic truth that no one wanted to relive, but the truth couldn't be hidden forever.

"I found Tink, but you have to promise not to yell." Brandon said with a serious face.

"You act like I just yell all of the time for no reason. Just tell me." I said drink in the oj from my bowl.

"Camille, for real. Promise."

"Okay. I promise not to yell." I said reaching for my pinesol. That was another craving; I'd just sit there and sniff pinesol. I never consumed it or anything.

Before I could could take the cap off, Peyton came from behind Brandon and my mouth dropped.

"Peyton, what did you do?"

"I'm natural, like you!" She said smiling until she saw my face.

"Peyton, what's in your hair? Go get it." She ran in the direction of the kitchen and came back with an armful.

"It's wash day, mommy." She smiled at me dumping her hair products into my lap.

"I used butter, this and this." She picked up each item as "named" them.

She had a stick of butter, pancake mix and eggs. I wanted to be mad, but I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Peyton, you can't use food products to wash your hair." I said picking at strands of her hair and letting it fall back on her head.

"You do. This is what you look like when you do it." She climbed on the couch next to me.

"Get her Brandon. You're going to have to wash her hair. Don't use ho-"

"Hot water otherwise it'll cook the egg. Yeah, yeah." He cut me off laughing. "Come on breakfast treatment natural." He picked her up in the air.

"Next time just ask okay, Peyton?"

She shook her head and Brandon went to wash her hair and give her a bath for bed. It was moments like that, that showed me how blessed I was to have a happy family. I would not repeat the acts of my mother on my children. That cycle of abuse ends with me.

We were in bed trying to figure out baby names and Brandon was not being serious for anything.

"How about Brandayzah for a girl?" He asked laughing.

"No. Stop. Come on and be serious. What about, I don't know you don't like anything that I like. "

"And you don't like anything that I like." He fluffed his pillow and turned off the light.

"I guess we'll figure it out when he or she gets here. We don't have that long though, Brandon."

"We'll figure it out. We always do. I love you, Camille." He wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you, too Brandon."

In that moment I wouldn't have wanted my life to be any other way. I had been through so many things, but the point was that I went through them and didn't stay in those situations. I loved God, my family and importantly myself. I was able to love without restrictions. Brandon loved me based on what he knew about me and not what someone else thought. I was his rib and everyday I thank God that He made him just for me. I'm blessed to be able to love him for the rest of my life. To be free from everything that had me bound gives me the ability to know that it doesn't hurt me to love.

That's it guys. Thank you so much for reading HMTL. I understand that everyone may not be happy with the ending, but I promised a happy Camille. I was so hesitant to even write on wattpad because I was being a wuss. Lol. I even thought about rewriting this, (and I might) but I've learned so much from this experience. The most important thing that I learned was that every character had a little bit of me in them. It was more Camille than anything. I know y'all felt that she couldn't get a break and she constantly had to fight for everything, but that's real life for some people. At the end of the day you just have to believe that you win in the end.

Not sure what the next book holds just yet, but if you have something you want to see in the next book let me know. Just a hint of you didn't pick it up: Trent and Camille have a secret that wasn't addressed. ☕️☕️

**Oh and the baby needs a name. Shoot me boy and girl names. Make them cute and nothing like "Brandayzah"! Please and thank you.

Thanks for reading, loves!


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