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"The young boy had been hiding in the shadows, he was filthy and looked in need for a good meal as well as a bath."

Dark always did find peace in deserted alleyways, his only company being the occasional stray cat.

He ran away from home at night, his family was awful.

He hadn't returned home for several days now. He wanted nothing more than a hot bath, he felt grimy and heavy because of it.

In reality, his pale skin was stretched thin across his small frame, hugging every sharp bone in his body. Were he to remove his clothing, it would be alarming to see how far his ribs and hip bones protruded, how sharp his collarbones were, how angular his shoulders were.

He's so hungry...

After nearly four days in the alley, someone finally found him.

Just a boy from school, but one that'd been nice to him from the start.

Starmine, he believed the name was.

Starmine took him back to his place rather than driving him home.

Melancholy, Starmine's sister took him to the bathroom and Starmine bathed him thoroughly, washing not only his body but his hair too.

When they finished, Melancholy was in the kitchen, just getting done cooking some fish. She heaped several plates full of food, setting it out on the table so that the entire family could eat.

Dark rarely had access to not only such good, home cooked food, but to this much of it at all.

He takes a bite and Starmine's family cheers.

Several days later, Dark finds Mel and Starmine to be his adoptive siblings, his parents considered unfit to raise a child.

He's scarred, and that will never go away, but he's happy.

endings go eat a rotten chicken nugget 


A Book Of Bullshit I Make Instead Of Sleeping OopsWhere stories live. Discover now