My Internal Alarms Went Off

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flashback .. we'd played it beautifully

while I was being hastily handcuffed

Rusty had rushed to grab the smoke

where he'd hidden it so fast

only he and God knows where

he and I had departed quickly

in totally opposite directions

we knew the pissed off .. revengeful narcs

were still out there .. hiding somewhere

in the pitch black dark .. observing us

upon leaving .. Rusty asked

if I needed a ride home

if I wanted my stash back

really .. he wasn't all there

I waved him off as I left

I was giddy .. smirking deep inside

everything had worked perfectly

i'd led the over confident narcs

on a wild assed goose chase

I was free .. my smoke .. safe

flashback .. the week before

my truck had broken down

i'd ended up riding the bus

to school every single day

a strange guy .. was riding too

he was really aggressive

trying hard to act so cool

neatly trimmed hair on his collar

dark .. thick .. five o'clock shadow

barely showed through light makeup

even though one could tell

he'd recently had a shave

a tiny detail he'd overlooked

he pretended to be a hippie

like he was one of the crowd

my internal alarms went off

Copyright @ September 2014


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