Seonghwa-Dance practice✨

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Park Seonghwa

"y/n I want u to come see me dance practice tomorrow." Seonghwa said as he entered the room. Your face lights up as you've never actually been to one of his dance practices, "really?" U asked remembering the last time
"Baby I wanna come see your dance practice" you said smiling
He smiles at you and says "I would love for you to come but I'll get nervous so I'm sorry love" you sighed telling hims it's fine.
*end of flashback*
"Yes really" seonghwa smiles once more, "but what about u getting nervous?" U asked thinking "I won't get nervous I promise" he replied "okay then" u smiled.
U woke up in the morning without Seonghwa next to u, u yawned tying your hair in a pony tail and went to the bathroom to get ready after doing your business u went downstairs to see him making breakfast "good morning baby" he said rather cheerfully "well looks like someone is in a good mood" u say sitting down "why won't I be happy there's is literally the most amazing person sitting in front of me" he said giving u a goofy smile, you just smile at his cuteness after doing breakfast you both got in the car to get to the studio, u were nervous for some reason (it was not that u haven't seen him dance before or haven't met the other guys before it was just you were nervous for some reason) when u both made your way inside hong joong was the first one to notice and came running towards you engulfing you in a bear hug "hey joongie" u said laughing "so Seonghwa finally brought you to see us dance wow" he said laughing, u laugh with him,after greeting the rest of the boys, u sat down while they started their practice to "say my name" the moment your boyfriend starts you are star struck (u have seen him dance before but this felt different) u  smile just thinking about how much seonghwa has progressed and how much he is passionate about dancing, when the practice is finally over u rush over to Seonghwa and hug him tightly "woah y/n u good?" He says smiling lightly "you were so amazing today Seongwha, literally every thing about u is perfect" u say smiling hard, "aww stop" he said smiling,a light pink shade tinted on his cheeks u kiss him while Wooyoung starts fake gagging "get a room you guys!" He screams making all of u laugh "oh let them be Jung Wooyoung" hong joong says laughing "you're time will come some day too" making all of u laugh even harder.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 🥡 🧸 ✨Where stories live. Discover now