Hongjoong-forever and always?

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This was requested by hajirahssk i don't usually take requests but I let this one slide smh I hope you enjoy it and ima prey for any spelling errors,also she wanted me to write one where she is really sick but it as t suiting to what I wanted to write so I hoe you like this uwu,also so forget to vote thank you so much ily all <33

Kim Hongjoong 🗝
"Is my love not enough?"

"I can't wait to see you next week y/n", Hongjoong's voice rang through your apartment as you got done telling him about your day. He was currently on his last days of tour with the boys and you haven't seen him for over two months now even though you facetimed everyday and he texted you in between rehearsals and every free second he got. In short the boy was head over heels for you which sometimes made you wonder what caused him to be like this?.
It was getting late when you both decided to sign off and rest.
You sighed leaning back in the couch your gaze lingering on the screen of your laptop which was displaying your twitter account.
"What does Hongjoong even see in her she's so ugly".
"Y/n do this world a favour and go die".
"Ugly bitches like you don't deserve to live let alone be with joong".
"She's probably using him for money and clout".

A silent tear escaped your eye as you scrolled down the page. It was a routine for you to be trolled by sasaengs and haters but you never mentioned it to Hongjoong thinking it would hurt him.
You were paying the price of loving the boy.
You wiped your tears getting up and walking to your bedroom.
Laying down everything revolved in your mind but knowing that you'd be seeing joong soon brought comfort to your aching heart.
Everything will be alright at least Hongjoong loves me.

The next day

You walked out of the cafe holding your coffee when you walked past a group of girls who recognised you and starting calling you names and lashing out on you.
You were so overwhelmed that you muttered an inaudible sorry hurrying towards your car and getting in. Within 5 minutes you had tears streaming down your face as you drove not realising that you're a bit above speed limit.
"Maybe I am worthless".
"They are right I don't deserve to be with joong".
You were so caught up in your mind that you didn't hear the horns coming your way until you heard the screeching of tires and snapped out of your dazed but it was too late.
A car t boned you in your side the last thing you heard were sirens before darkness took over you.

Hongjoong's POV

72 hours.....
It's been 72 hours 3 days to be exact since I've heard her voice.
I left wiping her tears at the airport telling her I'll be back before she knows it. I made sure I wasn't unknown of her yet still I was oblivious of what she was going through.
How can I be so stupid it? It was all my fault.
I had always seen her smiling waiting for me on the phone, after my rehearsals, even when I returned late after recording sessions but today she wasn't smiling she was caught up in wires and tubes struggling for her life. I had returned but she hadn't smiled.
I've been constantly sitting in the same position for the past 3 days refusing to let go of her hand occasionally falling asleep beside her bed.
"Bro you have to eat something or you'll fall sick", Seonghwa expressed his concerns with worry in is eyes. I looked up at our oldest member teary eyed. The boys have been helpful and caring enough to take turns and stay at the hospital with me as all of us couldn't be there all at once. Seonghwa had stayed the longest even though he was also tired and stressed because of travelling and lack of rest.
"Hwa, how can I eat when my y/n hasn't called out my name in 3 days?",
"Hongjoong", Seonghwa called out with pain in his eyes. I knew he had genuine concern for me. He sat beside me putting an arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He was like a brother to me, they all were so it was normal for us.
"It's all my fault dude if I would've known that she was hurting this much I would've done something".
"She never told me and I was so oblivious of the fact that it could've been dangerous".

"Joong it's not your fault man and y/n knows it too because she loves you. The doctors said she's stable and could wake up any moment now. It doesn't matter of you couldn't do anything before you could do it now".
I looked upto the the and nodded.
He was right we'll start over again once she wakes up.
Y/n please wake up
The silence was broken when seonghwa's phone went off signalling a text message.

"Wooyoung is here I'll leave for now okay",
I nodded at him as he patted my back reassuringly and pulled up his jacket.

"Mars", I called out using his given nickname.
"Thankyou for everything bro",
He shot me a smile through his tired looking face "anytime fam", he chuckled lightly walking out.
A small smile had also found its way to my lips as I become hopeful waiting for Wooyoung to enter.

Time skip

I was in an uncomfortable state of sleep when I felt fingers wrapping around my hand loosely I shrugged the feeling but jolted awake a second later just to see y/n smiling at me.
"Hey joong", her voice came out raspy as I broke down the 100th time this week but this time because of joy.

A week later
Y/ n was discharged from the hospital and I hadn't left her even for a moment.
She was still on bed rest.

"When the lights go out and leaving you standing in the dark
No one told you this would be so hard
I know you think your fire is burning out
But I still see you shining through
You got it in you"
I stroked her hand singing the last part of got it in you by banners.
It was one of her favourite songs.

She had told me everything throughout the week.
"Is my love not enough?", was the only thing I had asked her.

"Hongjoong?", she called out to which I hmmed in response.

"Your love is more than enough."
"Took you long enough", I jokingly replied caressing her hand I knew everything will be alright starting now.

I may have shed some tears writing this,also she wanted me to kill her in the end but I could t do my baby joongie wrong like that lmao hope y'all like it tysm and please don't forget to vote <3
-fiz 🦋

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