Wooyoung-if u love me let me go

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Jung Wooyoung ❣️
"Jung wooyoung u dumbass u went through so my h because of me"

"Omg wooyoung he smiled at me during class today". You excitedly jumped up and down telling your best friend Jung Wooyoung about the guy you had a crush on since the 1st year of high school.
"Y/n ah you're whipped", wooyoung threw his head back letting out a soft chuckle.
"Is it too obvious?".
"Yep". He replied still smiling at you.
Wooyoung and you had been friends since middle school. You had befriended him because of his outstandingly fearless personality though he was known for his charms throughout the campus. He had been with you since day one sticking with you through each and every happy or sad moment in your life. He was the only person you actually trusted with your secrets and could easily go rant to him just like you did when your crush was around. He wouldn't nag you like regular guy friends but would actually listen to you with smile on his face which would often surprise you because it was surely against his persona.
"Y/n we can continue your "101 reasons you think Kim Hansol is your destined soulmate" later you're gonna be late for class". Wooyoung said ushering you to class.
"Oh yea crap I forgot I'm gonna be late bye wooyoungie catch you later." You replied running off to class.
A sad smile appeared on wooyoung's lips as he watched your back. It was painful seeing you interested in another guy. He had liked no loved you since the day he first laid eyes on you. He had girls fanning over him all around but he would never respond. The best thing he had ever done was to befriend you but it was hard considering he had feelings for you and would never want to lose let alone hurt you in anyway so he kept quiet listening to you gush over your crush with a smile.
"Only if you knew y/n, only if you knew", wooyoung sighed making his way to his own class.
"OMG OMG WOOYOUNG YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED", you screamed almost tripping over the poor boy as you jumped on his back.
"Hey hey calm down what is it that's got my y/n in such a mood", he chuckled looking at you all happy.
"Hansol asked me out can you believe it"
"What?" He countered as if trying to process the information.
"He asked me out he said he likes me" you said beaming.
"Um I forgot something in class I gotta go y/n". Wooyoung replied as he brisk walked out of the cafeteria leaving you dumbfounded.

"I'm so ridiculously stupid! What would she think of me her best friend walks out on her just like that." Wooyoung slammed his fist in the wall he didn't want to walk away he wanted to be there like always smiling but it hurt.
It hurt so much that he wanted to rip his heart out and never feel again.
" I hope you're happy y/n", a single tear escaped his eye falling onto his bruised knuckles which now stung but the pain in his heart was greater.

You were still bewildered by wooyoung's distant behaviour in fact it bothered you more than anything you couldn't tell what was wrong with him. Upon asking he'd reply that either he was stressed because of assignments and homework or the upcoming basketball game.
You sighed glancing at the many pictures of you and wooyoung which were hung on your wall showcasing your memories from over the years as you got ready for your date. You had waited for this day for so long now but instead of being happy you felt unsure you couldn't actually comprehend what you felt.

Time skip
Wooyoung laid in his bed staring at ceiling contemplating his feelings for you until his chain of thoughts was broken by his phone ringing.
"Wooyoung!" was only what he heard before you broke down into tears.
"Y/n where are you I'm coming", he stated worriedly as he sprinted out his room off to the location you had sent him.
10 minutes later you were sobbing into wooyoung's chest.
The guy who you claimed to be your so called soulmate for years now stood you up and when upon confronting he replied with a simple "i forgot", not even apologising.
"I swear to god that I'm gonna bury that asshole 6ft under today", wooyoung growled as you held onto him he was raging with anger.
"It's of no use wooyoung I've learnt my lesson I was stupid for falling in too deep". You sobbed

"And I was stupid for falling for my best friend and being a coward". Wooyoung confessed softly.
You looked up to him shocked.
Jung Wooyoung one of the hottest guys around school, the captain of the varsity basketball team had just confessed his damn feelings for you.

"Why didn't you ever say anything", you said all baffled now standing in front of him.

"I was scared that you would run away and seeing you being in love with another guy I kept quiet being with you was better than not having you at all". Wooyoung smiled one of his infamous smiles.
"All along you stood beside me watching me be happy over a bastard and hurt yourself". You felt extremely stupid at the moment.

"You know what they say y/n if you love something let it go but in your case it was impossible I had fallen hopelessly yet I was helpless. I couldn't do anything". Wooyoung said looking at you.

"Jung wooyoung you dumbass you went through so much because of me I don't deserve you at all", you looked down with tears rolling down your face.

"Hey hey I didn't confess to see you cry y/n", he said lifting up your face and wiping you tears.
"I have loved you since day one and I'll keep on loving you". He said lacing your fingers together.

"I love you too wooyoungie". You said finally smiling.

"But first I have to go kill someone". Wooyoung's aura suddenly switched to a terrifying one.

"Oh hell no you ain't going nowhere", you clutched his arm as his laughter filled the air along with yours.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 🥡 🧸 ✨Where stories live. Discover now