Yunho - hate comments

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Jeong yunho 🧸
"Your opinions are the only ones that matter to me"

Receiving hate from fans didn't effect you it sure did in the start but yunho always made you realise how much you mean to him  and that you are not what all those hate comments say,you knew he was right so you stopped paying attention to them.

It was 11am currently and you were making breakfast for the both of you while Yunho was leaning on the counter reading hate comments,
"Yunho deserves so much better" "y/n is just using Yunho" "She's so damn ugly I don't know what he sees in her" . He was disappointed in his fans and he felt like it was his fault because he was the one who convinced you to make your relationship public
you were talking with him about ateez's aurora music video and he just hummed in reply. You turn around and came face to face with a almost crying Yunho,you rush over to him "baby what's wrong?" You say worriedly "I'm sorry y/n" he says looking at the ground,your breath hitched "why are you apologising Yunho?" He looks up at you with teary eyes "I'm sorry because of me,you are getting all this hate you don't deserve this I'm really sorry" you smiled lightly "baby don't be sorry it's not your fault" you say wiping his tears "but y/n I-" you cut him off "it's not your fault okay,stop apologising,I don't care about all the hate comments,sure I did in the start but you made me realise that all the comments are false and I am worth more than that and I've started to accept that,I don't care about others opinions the only opinions that matter to me are yours" you say hugging him, "I'll prove them wrong I'll show them they can't hurt what means the most to me" he says kissing the top of your head "it's okay baby you don't have to" you say smiling "I love you" he says looking  at you "I love you too" you say kissing his cheek. You break the hug and smile "Yunho the breakfast is gonna get cold let's go" dragging him towards the dining table.

A short lil imagine, I'm literally out of ideas right now but I'll post another one soon,sorry for any spelling errors,also don't forget to vote and follow me ily guys !! 🖤
-fiz 🦋

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