Yeosang - i dont hate u (part 2?)

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You wake up and feel arms wrapped around your waste you turn around facing Yeosang sleeping so peacefully, you just lay there admiring how cute he looked when suddenly he said "take a picture it'll last longer" still with his eyes closed,you looked away blushing and laughing lightly "Yeosang umm u can let go now..." you say turning back to your old position "no I like it you're so warm" he said snuggling closer to you "Yeosanggggg" you say giggling making Yeosang smile, you both just lay there looking at each other when suddenly the bedroom busts open "Yeosang have u seen y/n-" Wooyoung says stopping abruptly "ahhhh my eyes" he says covering his eyes you and Yeosang laugh making him uncover his eyes and laugh too. You get out of the bed and say "I'll be in the guest room" and walk out smiling, you are just standing in the bathroom thinking about what happened last night when suddenly Wooyoung busts into the room "y/n!" He says loudly "yeah?" You say waking out of the bathroom,Yeosang told me what happened last night are you okay?" He asks worriedly "I'm fine Woo If Yeosang wouldn't have stepped in I don't know what would've happened" you say looking at him "we were all worried about you,Yeosang came to Hongjoong Hyung and told him that he was taking you home last night" he says "I'm sorry for making you all worried" you say "no don't say that,you are my best friend,you mean a lot to me and the guys protecting you is my responsibility" he says smiling "I'm glad to have you  and the guys" you say smiling looking up at Wooyoung "Anyway what happened between you and Yeosang?!" He says excitedly knowing you had feelings for him "well when we were driving home last night I was just thinking and he randomly told me he doesn't hate me if that is what I was thinking and I told him I'd don't hate him either,when we got home he told me to sleep in his bed and lend me his clothes,in the middle of the night he came upstairs saying he couldn't sleep on the couch and that's how we ended up in one bed" you tell him removing the part where Yeosang was mumbling in his sleep,Wooyoung looks up to you and smiles "see I told you he doesn't hate you y/n!" "I know I know" "so when is the wedding?" Wooyoung says  laughing making you push him lightly "shut up we aren't even dating" you say lightly "yeah yeah just tell Yeosang I'll be his best man at the wedding!" Wooyoung says running out of the room laughing "wooyoungie!!!!" You yell laughing. After taking a shower and changing your clothes you go back into Wooyoung and Yeosang's dorm when you bump into Yeosang "sorry I didn't see you there" Yeosang says looking at you  smiling "it's fine" you say smiling "y/n there is something I wanna tell you he says looking at you "what is it?" He walked up-to his bed gesturing you to sit next to him "what is it Yeosang?" You say looking up at him "I-" "just say it already you say "I like you!!" He blurts and covers his mouth when he realises what he just said "I...I really like you y/n I have liked you ever since I first saw you the only reason I pushed you away was because I wanted the feelings to go away which was stupid cuz thy only grew more and more and I totally understand if I don't feel the same way I..." you cut him off by kissing him "I like you too you dumbass" "will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" You say kissing him again "FINALLY!!" You both pull apart only to be greeted by Wooyoung and San standing there smiling "oh shut up!" You say blushing deeply and hiding your face by hugging Yeosang.

Also don't forget to vote love you guys and I hope y'all have an amazing day/night ♥️

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