Jongho-lost feelings (part 2)

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You weren't doing any better,you missed Jongho more wand more everyday,you were still in contact with Yunho as he was your best friend,he was the one that introduced you both,you decided to call him today after almost 2 weeks "hello? Y/n??" You heard his voice through the phone "'s been a while" you say trying to keep your voice steady "y/n...yeah it's been a while how have you been??" He said making you smile a little after a long time "to be honest not the best but I'm okay"
Are you really okay? The voice in your head said,ignoring it you continue "how are you?" You ask your best friend "I'm fine I was just worried about you but I wanted to give you space that's why I didn't call you,y/n I miss you,the guys miss you,Jongho....." he trailed off, hearing his name made your heart hurt,you inhaled sharply, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned him I..." Yunho starts to apologise but you cut him off "it''s okay um how has he been?" You ask nervously "to be honest he hasn't been the best,he barely goes out with us,all he does is focus on singing,he barely sleeps,y/n he...he needs you......"  He finishes,you can't breathe,you feel your heart sink even more "y/n you know you still have feeling for him then why do you keep on pushing them away,why do you keep on telling yourself that he is better off without you,y/n he's broken you left him broken,he was actually happy when he was with you,you need to fix things,I can't see both of my best friends hurting like this." He says, you sigh "you'll be okay y/n,come by the studio this week,Jongho misses you a lot,poor kid will probably cry when he sees you" he says making you smile lightly "yunho thank you" you say finally "for what?" He asks "for changing my mind,I still have feeling for him,I need him I'll come to the studio tomorrow I..I miss him too" you say voice slightly cracking "y/n you know I'd do anything for you and him right?" He says smiling "of course! I love you Yunho" you say smiling "I love you too see you soon" he says ending the call,you toss your phone to the side and lay on your bed sighing, you knew you had to see him again soon and it's finally happening,sighing once again you close your eyes drifting off to sleep.

*next day*
You wake up the next day,feeling kind of better,picking up your phone you see you've got a text from Yunho and Seonghwa
You open Seonghwa's message first

Hwa 💫
Hey y/n it's been a while,how have you been? anyway I was wondering is it true?

Hey Seonghwa yeah it's been a while...tbh I'm feeling not the best but I'm okay and what's true?

After replying to him you check Yunho's message

Yunhoe 💘
Y/n you're coming today right? Just tell me if you'll make it.

Yunho yes,I'm gonna be there.....

Yunhoe 💘
Y/n I can tell you're nervous....

Yunho I am nervous I haven't seen him in 2 months...

Yunhoe 💘
Y/n I know that,don't be nervous,Just calm down okay you need to talk to him

Yunho what if he doesn't wanna talk to me what if he tells me to leave I'm scared

Yunhoe 💘
Y/n he won't push you away,has he ever pushed you away before? No he hasn't you'll be alright and besides I'm here for you

I don't deserve you,I feel less nervous now I'm getting ready I'll be there soon

Yunhoe 💘
You do deserve me and of course see you soon. 💖


You decide to actually get up and get ready, after getting ready you pick up your phone and see Seonghwa has messaged you again

Hwa 💫
That you're coming over to the studio today...

Yeah... Yunho told you didn't he....

Hwa 💫
Yeah..he told me you were gonna talk to Jongho....

I have to,he talked me into it,I can't take it anymore

Hwa 💫
Y/n he misses you a lot you need to fix this

I know I'm gonna try,I gtg I'll see you soon Hwa.

Hwa 💫
Me too y/n.

After texting him,you grab your cereal from the kitchen and eat it quickly before heading out. Stopping the car right in front of the studio you feel anxious again,you know you have to talk to him and you can't back away now,you slowly make your way out the car texting Yunho that you have arrived, you make your way inside the familiar building.

When you reach the room where the guys are practicing,you sigh,your heart is racing,why am I scared? You ask yourself ,finally after composing yourself you open the door and walk inside
Yunho is the first one to notice you,he comes up to you and hugs you,you look up and meet his eyes,the rest of the guys notice you and San walks up to you and sighs before pointing behind you,you turn around and you can't get the words out of your mouth. Jongho is standing behind you and his voice breaks


Y'all what should the ending be? Comment down below and don't forget to vote I'll post the next part soon much love xoxo

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