Seonghwa-stressed out

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Park Seonghwa ⭐️
"Its just that I think I'm not giving my best"

you wake up from a deep sleep and reach out for your boyfriend only to realise the spot next to you is empty, sighing you get up it was the third time this week you woke up alone without Seonghwa next to you, you decide to call him to check where he is this time only to reach his voicemail, shaking your head you decide to call Wooyoung since he was the one who usually updated you about Seonghwa in these type of situations, pressing the keys on your phone you wait impatiently for him to pick up after the third ring he picks up "Y/N what's up?" He says in his usual cheerful tone "Wooyoung ah..." you pause "what's wrong?" He asks worried "well um I woke up and Seonghwa wasn't there and he told me earlier that dance practice is gonna start late I'm just worried is he with you?" You ask nervously "oh yeah he is with us also y/n did anything happen between the two of you?" He asks, you sigh knowing he left without telling you again "no I swear nothing happened he's just been really distant lately he hasn't been talking to me he is just in a lot of stress I tried talking to him but he just keeps on ignoring it and says he's fine I'm just worried about him" you say sadly "y/n I wish I knew how to help you out but the truth is I don't know what's with him either,he left early today and said he was gonna go practice he had been here since 6am he's constantly practicing  and he's not telling us what's up he just says he's fine" Wooyoung says sighing "oh... I'm really worried" you say honestly "I can't see him like this" you say frowning "hey he's gonna be alright okay...Hongjoong hyung told us to give him space I know this isn't the best time but I think You should come and try to talk to him y/n you're the only one he's gonna listen to" Wooyoung says making you sigh "uh okay I guess hopefully he doesn't ignore me" you say getting up from your bed "alright I'll see you soon then huh" Wooyoung says making you smile a little "yeah Woo I'll see you soon" you say hanging up, sighing you make your way towards your closet picking out a pair of jeans and one of Seonghwa's hoodies you change quickly putting your shoes on you lock your apartment door and get in your car you start feeling nervous once you reach the studio getting out of your car you make your way inside,once you reach where they boys are rehearsing you see all of the guys except for your boyfriend sighing you open the door and walk inside San is the first one to notice and comes up to you greeting you with a hug "y/nnnnnnnn!" He says smiling crushing you in a bone crushing hug "Saniii i missed you too but let me go I cant breathe" you say laughing "sorry y/n" he says laughing,Wooyoung comes up to you and greets you with a smile "y/n he is in there" he says pointing towards a door you nod slowly and make your way through the door,you hear music coming from inside which tells you he's probably practicing you slowly open the door just to see Seonghwa dancing giving his everything,he doesn't notice you at first because of his closed eyes "you're overworking yourself" you say when you see how hard he's training  he opens his eyes when he hears your voice and instantly goes to pause the song, you sigh and look at the ground "y/n..." he says but you cut him off "did I do something wrong?" You ask looking at him with a hurt expression "y/n no of course not you didn't do anything wrong why are you asking me that?" He says giving you a confused look "Hwa you have been avoiding me for the past three days you tell me you're okay when you're clearly not you're overworking yourself you're stressed what's wrong Seonghwa talk to me" you say your voice breaking, he comes closer to you and stops a foot away from you "y/n it's just that I..." He trails of making you look at him "you what?" You ask meeting his gaze "it's just that I think I'm not giving my best...I think I'm not doing enough for the fans,with the guys,I just want to make sure everything is perfect....I need to improve myself I can't let the fans down I can't let the team down and especially I can't let you down" he says looking at the ground,he sits down motioning you to sit too,you sit in front of him and hold his hand "Seonghwa look at me" you say making him look at you "don't you dare say that, you are doing enough you are doing perfectly fine you won't let anyone down the guys are proud of you the fans are proud of you they know how hard you and the boys are working and apart from all of that I am proud of you,you've been working every day to make things perfect you're doing enough don't overwork yourself,please look at you,you look like you haven't slept in weeks you are gonna get sick hwa why are you doing this to yourself?" You ask almost crying "y/n I'm....I'm sorry I made you worry I made the guys worry about me I was just so stressed that I forgot that you were just trying to help me I'm sorry I really am I'm sorry I pushed you away i- you cut him off by hugging him making him stumble back a little "don't be sorry hwa it's okay we all get stressed sometimes but that doesn't mean you bottle up all the emotions you really should have talked to the guys or even me we would've helped you" you say breaking the hug,Seonghwa stands up helping you up ,he holds your hand and says "y/n thank you if you wouldn't have given me that damn speech I wouldn't have been stress free right now I'm gonna go apologise to the guys" he says laughing lightly and kissing the top of your head "I love you" you say sticking your pinky finger out he links his finger with yours "I love you too" he says kissing your hand and hugs you. He walks out of the door with you beside him making everyone stop what they are doing and look at the two of you, Seonghwa bows and says "I'm sorry,i made all of you worried I.." "it's okay Seonghwa hyung" Yeosang says hugging him making the rest of them joining him in a group hug,Yunho pulls you in the hug too laughing you hug them back, it turned out to be a good day you think smiling.
Guys I hope you like this imagine I literally thought of this while I was almost almost lmao anyway....

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