Wooyoung- i hate u but i love you

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Jung Wooyoung 💒
"I love San!!"

"Wooyoung loves me more than you" you said smirking "oh really? Well I've been his friend for more than 5 years so that means he loves me more than u y/n" Yeosang said smirking back "guys what the hell is going on?" Mingi asks walking up to you both "well y/n here thinks Wooyoung loves her more than me" Yeosang says looking at Mingi "why are you guys fighting on this again?" Yunho asks from across the room "cuz apparently Wooyoung is my boyfriend and loves me more" You say matter of factly "guys break it up we need to continue the dance practice speaking of which where is Wooyoung?" Seonghwa asks sighing "he is hanging out with San apparently" Hongjoong joins "he called me and begged for a day off actually San bribed me sooo" "WAIT WHAT?!" You and Yeosang say loudly at the same time "what did he even bribe u with?" You say face palming "he bought me a minion plushie" Hongjoong says smiling Seonghwa sighs once more "I'm gonna go call them" he says walking away "well looks like he loves San more" Jongho says laughing, you sigh. "I just called San he said they are gonna be here in 10 minutes" Seonghwa says walking back in the room.
*20 minutes later*
"Sorry guys we're back" San says walking inside the door along with Wooyoung "where the hell were you both?!" Seonghwa says frustrated "well we went to watch a movie but San wanted to go eat so we went to a restaurant" Wooyoung replies "ugh well we need to do the dance practice you know so get ready both of you" Seonghwa replies making them nod their heads. "Hey baby" Wooyoung walks approaches you smiling "hey Wooyoung" Yeosang appears out of nowhere smiling "he wasn't even talking to you Yeosang" you say rolling your eyes "maybe he was" Yeosang replies back rolling his eyes "whoa wha happened between the both of you?" Wooyoung asks slightly laughing "well apparently she thinks you love her more" Yeosang says looking over to you "we all know it's true" you reply loudly Wooyoung stares between the both of you "well who do u love more y/n or Yeosang?" Jongho says walking upto Wooyoung "um well........." You and Yeosang both look at him intensely. "I love San!!" He says while running upto San and hugging him from the back, you and Yeosang both look at each other and face palm with Yunho and Mingi laughing in the back
After dance practice you are talking to Hongjoong when Wooyoung approaches you and hugged you tightly from the back, as if on cue Hongjoong's phone rings and he walks away, "you know I love you right" he says smiling lightly "of course I do" You say turning around and hugging him "but I love my bed more so bye bye" You say laughing while taking a few steps back "I hate you" He says laughing "oh you love me" You say smiling evilly "yeah I do,I hate you but I love you" Wooyoung says taking a few steps forward and tackling you to the ground you both burst out laughing "HEY WOOYOUNG ARE U CHEATING ON ME?!" San shouts walking upto the both of you "ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE I SWEAR" Wooyoung replies making all of the guys laugh "WE ARE OVER JUNG WOOYOUNG I HATE YOU" San says walking away smiling "to be honest I shipped you and San" you say laughing "oh really?" Wooyoung says looking at you with a goofy look you laugh loudly "i love you" " I love you too y/n" Wooyoung says helping u off the ground "I love this show" Mingi and Jongho say eating popcorn and wearing the clout glasses in the back laughing. Well it was one eventful day.

Okay so I hope y'all like this and I hope y'all have the most amazing day/night, don't forget to vote,comment and follow me much love 🖤

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