Jongho-lost feelings part 3

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Choi Jongho 🗝
"Y/n if you don't want us to die from hypothermia can we please get out of the water?"

Song:euphoria by Jungkook 🖤


The moment your eyes met his you stopped it felt like you couldn't breathe,he looked pale,there were prominent eye bags under his eyes,he looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks,you felt like your heart had been ripped out of your chest you couldn't take it,you just wanted to run to him and hold him close and tell him you still love him but you couldn't move,it looked like he was gonna cry

"Jo...Jongho...." you managed to stutter out your voice breaking
He looked at you and just left he didn't say a word,it looked like he couldn't bare to see you again which was true,he couldn't,he had taken all the blame on himself,he told himself that it was his fault
Do you really deserve him?" That stupid voice in your mind said again making tears to slip down your cheeks,you felt like time has stopped,Yunho was hugging you from the back trying to calm you down
"Y/n shhh it's okay" he said lowly in you ear making you cry "he'll be fine you'll be fine" he said again making you turn shaking and hug him "Yun...Yunho....I need to talk to him I have to I can't see him hurt like this it's all my fault I'm...." you managed to speak between sobs, all the other guys stayed silent when Hong joong decided to speak up he came towards you "Y/N, calm down and go after him,you may have messed up but you can fix it,go after him talk to him,you know he loves you right? He never stopped loving you go." Hong joong says smiling,you look at him wiping your tears "you're right,I need to talk to him thank you" you say hugging him before turning to Yunho who smiled and nodded his head,you nodded and ran out of the door,you tried searching for him but you couldn't find him,after 20 minutes of running and looking from him and idea popped up in your mind
The lake,our lake,he always go there to clear his mind,he has to be Over there, you thought to yourself and ran towards the direction of the lake,after 15 minutes you finally reach the lake,walking down the other you could hear sobs and someone sniffing "it's all my fault,how can I be this stupid,I let her believe I wasn't good enough for her,I should've stayed for her but I didn't! I am so f*cking stupid!" He said hitting the ground,seeing him in a state like this made you feel guilty you truly had broken him,you knew he wouldn't forgive you but you at least have to try. You decided to walk towards him "but you know what she deserves better after all of this time she probably has found someone new,I wasn't good enough for her.." he trailed off looking at the sky "Y/N I still love you I would never stop loving you,you truly were my euphoria but you deserve better." He said sniffling once again,you couldn't take it anymore you ran towards his direction,he must've heard your footsteps because he stood up turning to see what was happening "Y/N?!" He was surprised,you ran and tackled him in a big resulting in both of you falling into the lake...
You both fell inside,
"y/n.....?" He asked worriedly,you hugged him again and cried "Jongho I'm sorry I'm so damn sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I didn't mean to make you suffer I made myself believe I wasn't good enough for you and that I had lost feelings for you but I was wrong,I knew I was wrong I couldn't sleep,couldn't even think correctly the guilt was eating me alive I knew I f*cked up and I don't deserve your forgiveness I just want to get this off my chest, and you, whatever you said is not true you don't deserve me I'm such a bad person,you are the one who actually is perfect not me I don't understand why you took the blame on yourself,you you are the one who deserves better,not me I'm-"you are cut off by Jongho kissing you,you are shocked but kiss back eventually,he pulls away "y/n.....I forgive you,it's not your fault,didn't get any sleep in almost a week,I stopped eating to the point hyung had to feed me without my will,it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest,you're right you don't deserve my apology but I'm in love with you and I'd do anything to have you back,so y/n will you be my girlfriend again? He said sniffling,you were happy but at the same time you were devastated after whatever happened he still wants you back you really didn't deserve him "I'd love to be your girlfriend again" you say tears running down your face,he kissed you once again before pulling away "um y/n if you don't want us to die from hypothermia can we please get out of the water I'm freezing" he said holding your hand,you laughed and got out of the water with him "y/n I love you" He said taking his hair out from his face "Jongho I love you" you say kissing his cheek, "let's go back to the studio" he said taking your hand.

Once you both arrive to the studio,Jongho picks up a towel and hands one to you before you both go inside,he opens the door and All the guys stop what they are doing

"So.....?" Yunho speaks up "what the hell happened why tf are you both wet" Seonghwa speaks up before heading towards the both of you and giving you another towel,

"Guess you can say we are back together" Jongho says drying his hair

Woosan are the first ones to react they runs towards the both of you and tackle you both,tackle Jongho more preferably "FINALLYYYY!!!" both the boys yell with Mingi and Yunho joining them,you laugh at their craziness, Yunho walks up to you and hugs you "you did it" he says hugging you "thank you Yunho I couldn't have done it without you" you say hugging him back.

Jongho was your euphoria,and you knew you were stupid for leaving him

He intertwines your fingers with his before singing "you are the cause of my euphoria..." and hugs you.

Guess who's back. Anyway I'm surprised y'all are still reading my book when I ain't even updating smh I'm sorry but anyway the Jongho imagine series are over finally,I made a happy ending since y'all wanted it so bad,hope y'all like it,also this book has officially been entered in the Wattys 2019 submission so please vote for me I love y'all, hope y'all have an amazing day/night! 🖤
-fiz 🦋

 Anyway I'm surprised y'all are still reading my book when I ain't even updating smh I'm sorry but anyway the Jongho imagine series are over finally,I made a happy ending since y'all wanted it so bad,hope y'all like it,also this book has officiall...

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