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Choi San 🐝
"Stop lying the last time you had a breakdown this bad was when your mom was really sick"

"You are ugly" "you are not enough" "you are fat" the voices in your head kept on saying,it wasn't anything new you had received these kind of comments before too but now it was getting enough,you would starve yourself for days thinking you have to lose weight,while in reality your weight was perfectly fine,you may not have been slim or might not have a hour glass body like the other girls but you were perfect, you would try to fit in but the same stupid comments and stuff kept on happening. "San doesn't deserve to be with an ugly monster like you" "ugly b*tch" "you are so ugly I feel bad for San" day by day the comments kept on growing and growing,you couldn't take it,you couldn't take it,at first you tried to ignore them but you couldn't keep on doing this anymore. You turned your phone and threw it somewhere in your room not caring it it falls and the screen cracks,you were having a breakdown,while on the other hand your boyfriend San was worried sick because of you not returning his texts or calls "guys I'll be back soon" he says getting up "where are you going?" Wooyoung asks from next to his previous seat "y/n is not picking up her phone,I'm going over to her place,I'll be back soon" he replied putting his shoes on and leaving the house,he rushed to your house unlocking it with the key you gave him almost an year ago, "y/n??" He says worriedly,you were trying to control your breathing but it wasn't working, "y/n?!!" San came running upstairs "S-San?" You say having difficulty in breathing,San knew about you being insecure and tried to make you happy and take your mind off of these things,"y/n shh look at me breathe in breathe out" he says hugging you trying to calm you down,15 minutes later your breathing was back to normal San was till hugging you mumbling the lyrics of twilight (A/N >.< twilight is superior) in your ear, "San..." you say sniffing lightly,he looks down at you "Baby...what's wrong what happened?" "'s nothing" you reply not meeting his gaze, "y/n stop lying the last time you had a breakdown this had was when your mom was really sick,what's wrong tell me...please" he says his face softened, you look up at him "San are you with me because you feel bad?" You replied softly trying not to cry, "No y/n what makes you say that?" He asks holding your hand "I am not pretty,I'm not worthy enough for you,out of all the girls in the world why did you choose me?" You say on the verge of breaking "y/n you know why I'm with you? I'm with you because you are different,because you are your own person,you being happiness to me,you are the reason I smile every damn day,you bring out the best of me and I'd thrown away the world for your happiness. It's not you it's me who doesn't deserve you,I don't care about them other girls,all I want is you,you are my everything and I'll love you forever so don't you ever say that you're not enough,beautiful or perfect,you are beyond perfect,you are gorgeous,I can write paragraphs on how amazing you are I love you so damn much y/n l/n" he says with glistening eyes, you look up at him and hug him "I'm sorry San I'm sorry for accepting that I'm not enough,I'm sorry for everything I made you worried,I love you so much,you really are the most amazing person alive" you say in tears,he kisses you and holds you closer to him. You're laying down with him cuddling you "you are so cute" he says pinching your face "shut up" you say smiling.

Y'all are beautiful inside out don't let anyone else's opinions get to you ily xo
Y'all I'm working on the part 2 of the Jongho imagine so here's a little something until then,I love you guys thank you for all the support it means a lot 🙏🏻♥️

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