San-ill protect u part 2

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                          *flashback continued*
He gives you a sadistic smile when he sees the tears threatening to fall  and removes the cloth from the body,the sight in front of you makes you feel nauseas,it was your little brothers body with two bullet holes in the head "she wouldn't stop screaming and shouting and this was the best option" he says laughing evilly "you killed her?!" You manage to choke out, "yes I did don't worry I'll take good care of you too" he says caressing your cheek making you flinch, he walks further in the room and fills a syringe with some unknown liquid he makes his way towards you holding the syringe with a smirk on his face,you try to break free from the cabins you were trapped in and shout for help "no one can hear you you stupid b*tch" he smacks you hard before injecting it in your neck,you cried due to the pain before slipping into unconsciousness, you woke up feeling your back ache and look around with no sign of him you looked around the room trying to find escape,you feel lightheaded but you couldn't give up now,you see a phone hidden under a rug,you hurriedly run towards it and dial 911 "911 whats your emergency?" "Please help I've been kidnapped " you manage to say, "do you know where you are right now?" The lady on the phone says, "I'm trapped inside a room,there's a window and all I can see outside is a car,he kidnapped me in it" you say out of breath "okay Hun tell me if you can see the number plate of the car" she says tapping on a keyboard, "I can see it,it's *insert random number*
"We just tracked down the car,help is on Its was stay with me on the phone baby" she says,you hear the doorknob rattle "he's coming!"  You tell before he smacks the phone out of your hands "you little b*tch you thought you could escape?!!" He smacks you "I'm gonna end it all right now" he says taking a gun out of his pocket "YOU WILL SOON BE BEHIND BARE YOU WILL ROT IN F*CKING HELL" you shout and he shoots you in the arm,he smiles evilly again and is about to shoot you again you close your eyes,you hear a gunshot and gasp,you see that he is on the ground with blood coming out of his head, you fall on the ground crying knowing you're finally safe,police officers fill the place when you hear a familiar voice shout "y/n!!" The last thing you see is sans face before slipping into unconsciousness.
*flashback over"
You woke up feeling pain in your arms and back,you squint your eyes trying to adjust to the bright lights,you feel someone holding your hand when you look to the side you come in contact with San resting his head on the bed beside you and holding your hand,you smirk weakly before combing his hair with your hand,he stirs in his sleep before waking up,he looks at you with wide eyes before loudly saying "y/n you're awake!!" He's on the verge of tears "yes baby I'm okay" you manage to say before he embraces you in a hug "y/n ah I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you,I should've fought them I should've let you safe I'm sorry" he says with tears falling down his face, you grab his crying face gently as if it'll break and wipe his tears "shhh it's not your fault baby,you tried to lee me safe you kept me safe don't cry" you say "I'm here okay I'm okay don't cry sanie" you say kissing his forehead,he wipes the single tear that made its way down to your cheek and kisses your hand "I'll get the doctor" he says in a hoarse voice.
It's been a week and slowly the flashbacks and nightmares were stopping you were more than grateful for that,San hasn't left your side until after you were told that you can go home,he made sure you were safe and held you tight.
"Y/n I love you  and I'll keep you safe forever you know I will" he says before kissing you gently "I know you will" you reply poking his dimple making him smile.

I'm sorry for not posting this earlier but I hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and share my book thank you!
—fiz 🦋

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