Mingi-period cramps

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First of happy birthday to my baby mingi he deserves the world I love him so much uwu <3

Song Mingi 🌷
"I thought I wasn't gonna see daylight again"

You woke up with the worst period cramps clutching your stomach you went to your bathroom and did your business and went downstairs,about to take out heating pack, that's when your phone starts ringing rolling your eyes you pick up your phone "y/nnnnnnn!!!!!" you heard your best friend mingi shouting from the other side of the phone,you sigh replying emotionlessly "song mingi what do you want from me on this not so fine morning?" "Jezz dude why are you so salty today" He says lightly laughing, "just tell me tf you want" you say rolling your eyes "okay okay damn I just called you to ask if you wanted to hang out with me today but you sound mad did something happen?" He says worry laced in his voice "ugh I can't hang out today it's that time of the month again and I'm getting the worst ever cramps" you reply groaning "oh,I'll come over with my laptop and food to make you feel better see you in a bit byeee!!" He says quickly before ending the call. You sigh before proceeding to take your heating pack only to realise you gave it to Wooyoung the last time you went to their dorms, you sigh loudly before face palming yourself and wait on the couch for mingi to arrive, almost 10 minutes later you hear the front door opening with mingi walking in holding multiple bags "y/nnnnnn!!!!" He says loudly,you groan "can you be less loud please" You say sighing "shit sorry" he laughs "I got you your hot pack,food and my laptop" he continues smiling and setting down the stuff, you get up and hug him "thank you mingi" you say smiling. You and Mingi were sitting on the couch,him cuddling you when he suddenly speaks up "you know y/n I heard period cramps are terrible but I don't see them as that bad" you lift up and your head and look at him with a not so amusing look "I mean as in I don't see how bad it feels like" he says nervously, you sit up and reply "song mingi you do realise what period cramps are the worst right?" You look at him and he gulps nervously "it feels like someone  shot you in the gut" you say with a sadistic look on your face "and then it feels like someone is stabbing you continuously.....over and over again" you say holding a knife and pointing towards him "now mingi do you want me to demonstrate it?" You say smiling innocently "no ma'am" he replies with a terrified look,you burst in to fits of laughter "you...should've...." You couldn't speak since you were laughing really hard "seen the...look...on your...face" you say between laughter "shut up I almost thought I won't ever see daylight again" He says covering his face in his hands, "I'm sorry" you say laughing and hugging him "yeah,yeah" he says rolling his eyes and laughing with you.

Y'all I hope you like this short imagine I'd try to update as soon  as possible uwu !! Don't forget to vote and share tysm <333

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