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Song Mingi 🍓
"You are beautiful "

You sigh sitting up in your bed the fourth time, falling asleep for you was usually not a problem but tonight you just couldn't fall asleep,twisting and turning for what felt like the 100th time you reached for your phone and searched for your boyfriend's name in your recent messages and send him a "hey" once you found his name,instantly he replies "y/n what's wrong? Are u okay?" You picked your phone and smiled lightly "I'm okay baby I just can't sleep" you type sighing once you saw it was almost 2am "want me to FaceTime you?" He replies making you smile again "yes please T^T" you typed, "okay gimme a second" he replied,you reach out to turn your lamp on adjusting to the light,you pick up your phone once it starts ringing, you smile when Mingi's face appears on the screen "baby!" He says smiling brightly "Mingiiii" you say laughing lightly "even in dim light you look beautiful" he says smiling at you "shut up mingi I'm not beautiful" you say making him instantly say "don't ever say that y/n l/n you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen don't ever say you're not beautiful because that is definitely a lie" he says making you almost tear up "Mingi stop you're gonna make me cry" you say smiling really hard blushing "I love you y/n" " I love you more than anything Mingi" you say meeting his eyes, "want me to sing you to sleep?" You nod making him sit up,he starts singing the tune of light one of your favourite ateez songs {A/N light is superior y'all ʚ(*'꒳'*)ɞ} you smile at him once he starts singing and close your eyes trying to go to sleep,once he finally finishes he looks up to you peacefully sleeping "I love you baby sleep well" he says kissing the screen and ending the call once he makes sure you're in a deep slumber.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 🥡 🧸 ✨Where stories live. Discover now