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Choi San 👼🏻
"I can beat his ass if u want me too"

You were feeling all type of emotions at the moment, are you sad? Angry? Frustrated? Confused? You sigh knowing it's no use you slump across the couch tears threatening to fall from your eyes,only if you knew before

* 2 hours earlier *
"Babe I'm home!" You say loudly walking inside your boyfriend's house setting your keys on the kitchen counter you take off your jacket and make your way upstairs "Babe?" "Min young?" you stop abruptly when you hear your boyfriend laughing along with another person? You hear a woman giggling, confusion boils up inside of you as you make your way towards your shared bedroom,you open the door and meet face to face with your boyfriend with another woman cuddling and kissing each other "what the-" you choke out the words,your so called boyfriend looks at you and stands up and comes towards you "y/n?" He says eyes widening "babe who is this?" The other woman says looking straight at you, he ignores her and speaks
"it's not what it looks like I swe-" you cut him off and push him away "don't!" You say looking at him anger clearly written on your face "don't f*cking tell me that bullsh*t we are done" you say before turning around shoving past the other woman and picking up your laptop "don't try to contact me ever again" you say before storming out and slamming the door, you walk down the block and search for the only person you could think of at that moment tears blur your vision and you press call, "y/n? Hey" you hear the voice of your best friend,you let out a shaky breath and reply "Sanie ummm,can u please pick me up?" You say your voice breaking "y/n yeah but what happened? Are you crying? Tell me where you are!" You hear him say loudly worry clear in his voice "I'm at *insert random street name*" you reply "I'm coming wait right there" he says ending the call.

*2 hours later (after finishing your 2nd tub of ice cream)

San walks back in the room with a glass of water and sets it down on the table i for it if you and looks at you with sympathy "y/n ah?" He says hesitantly,you look up at him after drinking the water "now that we've eaten 2 tubs of ice cream,can u tell me what happened now?" He says,sighing you reply "it's min young" , "what happened between the two of you wasn't it your 5 month anniversary today?" He says making you look at the ground and wipe a tear that you didn't know had made its way down your cheek "I came back from work,I was in a really good mood and wanted to surprise him today so I lied to him and told him I've got a late shift and I would come home late." You say sighing "after half an hour I was done with my work and decided to make my way home when I got back home he wasn't anywhere to be seen...." you trail off "so I made my way upstairs and that's when I heard him and some one else laughing." You say and your voice breaks,sniffling you continue "He was laying in bed with some other girl and was kissing and cuddling her...he cheated on me San...he told me he loved me...but it's my fault because I was too bling to see what actually was going on the whole time" you say burying your face in your hands tears falling down your face. San stood up and hugged you whispering quiet words in your ear "y/n ah shhh it's okay" he said kissing the top of your head "forget about him he doesn't deserve you" he said before smirking "I can bet his ass if you want me too" you reply looking up at him "it's not necessary San leave it.." you say before smirking "I've got a better idea"

Next thing you both you know it's almost 1am and you and San and walking out of Target with bags full with spray paints.
"Y/N...?" San says walking up to you, "yeah?"
"I know this is not the right time but look at this" he says showing you something on his phone, it was a picture of your ex-boyfriend with the other woman smiling with the caption "thank god u left" you shake your head and say "perfect,gives us even a better opportunity to keep going with our plan" San smirks looking at you.
It's 2am and you are putting on your shoes to go and complete your plan,San walks out of his room wearing all black and smirks "lets go" he says before picking up his car keys,putting the bags in the back of the car you and San make your way towards your ex boyfriends house. "Let's do this" you say putting on your mask. Stepping out of the car San sees his car and walks up to it before taking out the spray paint,you following behind him "you know I never really liked him" San says before spray painting the car. After 15 minutes you both were done, you see the light in one of the rooms of the house turn on,turning to San u whisper "RUN!!" You both pick up the spray paints before getting in San's car and driving off,you both were laughing really hard and could hear your boyfriend shouting in the background, "Sanie thank you" You say smiling looking at him "for what?" San asks you "For making me realise how bad my relationship actually was,you tried to tell me so many times before but I kept on denying it,I love you san thank you" You say before holding his hand,he looks at you before parking the car I don't of his house "y/n you know I was only looking out for you right? It's okay sometimes love makes you so blind you don't realise the situation I'm glad you broke it off with him" he says smiling before hugging you.

Word count: 1055
Hey y'all! Hope you enjoy this I really wanted to write a best friend imagine so here you go,I apologise for any spelling errors,don't forget to vote and follow me ily guys !! 🖤
-fiz 🦋

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