Mingi- promise?

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Song mingi ⭐️
"I promised you remember"

5 years,it's been 5 years since you heard those hopeless words "maybe in 5 years,our paths will cross again.....and I will tell you how desperately We were in love with each other but had to let go...and we can laugh about how we broke each other's hearts......"

You knew for a fact that you would never see his face again but deep inside of you you still had a little hope which was useless in your head. Sighing you made your way down the street since you had nothing to do and you had to skip work due to the weather,clutching your jacket to your body you unknowingly made your way towards the coffee shop you and him had shared a lot of memories in, you stop in front of the door of the shop and his face kept on replaying in your head "this was the exact place he had said that he and you will cross paths again" the voice in your head said,shaking your head you made your way inside a bell rang indicating your presence inside the shop, after receiving your order you sat at the far corner of the cafe, you were lost in thoughts until someone cleared their throat inform of you,you look up at the person only to meet with familiar brown eyes,"is this seat taken?" He asked, looking at you,you cleared your throat before replying "no it's not,you can sit here if u want too" the boy bowed before looking at you again and then looked away as if he was thinking,you were about to take another sip of your drink before he said "I promised you remember..." you were confused "I'm sorry but do I...." He took of his mask revealing his face and making you gasp "m-mingi...?" You say covering your mouth,he smiles before nodding "I told you we would cross paths again so here I am" you were feeling different types of things you felt like tearing up,you were honestly really happy
"I had a feeling you would come here so I came here too I would've honestly been disappointed if you weren't here" he said pouting,making you smile before you get up and hug him taking him by surprise "I missed you ..." catching the attention of some people, he hugs you back before taking your hand "let's get out of here then we can talk" nodding your head you follow him outside.

"Sooo...." he says trying to make conversation "how have you been?" You shrug before speaking "I've been okay...after finishing college I was looking for a job,until one of my friends offered me to work in here bookshop so yeah.." you say trailing off,he nodded his head before saying "you know i missed you right? So did yunho.." he says looking at the ground, you look at him examining his face he honestly had gotten even more prettier, "how's yunho?" You ask,he looks up at you and gives you a little smile "he's fine dance practice has been killing us lately" you laugh lightly. Walking a little further you realise you and him had made it to a lake,it was the abandoned lake,which you and mingi had visited quite often,it was like a secret hangout spot for both of you. You looked at him and he motioned for you to come with him,making your way to the familiar bench you sit down and sigh, he looks at you before starting "I'm sorry..." you look up at him confused, "why are you apologising?" You ask still confused "I know I shouldn't have left you just like that,I didn't even gave you the time to answer and just left..." he says before you cut him off "no mingi wait....you do realise that even tho you left me without a explanation or anything it still was the right decision right?" He looks at you,he's about to speak when you continue "you left because you had to accomplish one of your biggest dreams your. Always wanted to perform on big stages and internationally that's why you had to leave,do you realise how proud I am of you,after you left I didn't cry of course I was a little sad but that doesn't matter I knew you are leaving because of something so big and I can't hold you back that would just be selfish of me." He sighs before saying "but I promised you I wouldn't leave and I would be there for you,but I wasn't,I wasn't there for you when you got into an accident,I wasn't there for you when you had your birthdays,I wasn't even there for you when you graduated,that's not okay alright I was your boyfriend and I was supposed-" you cut him off by kissing him,he just gasps before kissing you back,
"You May have been in a whole different place but there wasn't a day I didn't think of you,I'm so extremely proud of you, when I woke up today I had a little hope I might see you again but at the same time I had a feeling I wouldn't and seeing you I for you of me right now makes me so damn happy I'm..." he doesn't let you finding and hugs you tightly, "shhh you don't have to say anything I'm here now" he said softly after a while he looks at you and girls your hand "so now you wanna y'all about how we broke each other's hearts?" He says laughing "we were really dumb" you say before laughing with him.

Okay first off I'm really sorry for not updating at all,I've been continuously packing and moving stuff so I didn't have time, anyways I finally updated smh I hope y'all like it and don't forget to vote please also thank you so much for 22.2k reads honestly it means a lot I love y'all have an amazing day/night bye !! 🖤
- Fiz 🦋

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