10. Same Name as a Cemetery

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Ottaline could see the pulsing of the lanterns as she made her way up to the house. He dress skirts and stockings were wet from the morning due. She stumbled into the yard only to be instantly stopped by a man. When she saw her sister sitting alone she wiggled from his arms and ran to her.

"They're wrecking the house," Providence said embracing her sister. At the moment a cabinet was thrown into the yard cracking on the rocks and losing its door.

Ottaline looked around. Neighbors had come out of the woods to see what the commotion was. Among them was Franklin Smith dressed for work.

"Ottaline? Ottaline?" When her sister looked at her Providence continued. "Did they find anything out about Daddy?"

Ottaline bit her bottom lip as she looked into her sister's dark eyes. Her only response was to hold her closer.

"We got something," a voice said from inside the house and the men who had been standing around the yard smoking, rushed all at once to the door. Ottaline and Providence joined them and through the gaps between them they could see men kneeling on the floor lifting out a heavy vase.

"Do you see that, Ottaline?" Providence asked.

"Well, well, well," one of the men said. "It looks like we found the Boatwright's missing vases. I knew that Sabbath was a thief. Mr. Richmond's suspicions were right."

"I remember he had a bad reputation when he was younger," another man said. "I guess old habits die hard."

"Let's get these down to the sheriff," another said. "We'll notify Mr. Boatwright." With a grunt he heaved one of the vases out of the hole.

Ottaline felt sick to the stomach. If only she had gotten rid of the vases sooner. Now her father would be disgraced after death. And what would become of her and Providence now? They had no money and if they couldn't pay rent they would have no place to live.


At sun up Providence crawled out of bed. The house was quiet and she walked to the front to find Ottaline on the floor picking up nails. She looked around at the kitchen. It was wrecked beyond repair and she hoped they wouldn't have to compensate the landlord for it.

"Aren't we going to school today?"

Ottaline got up from the floor. Her eyes ached from lack of sleep and her knees hurt from kneeling. "No," she said and Providence tilted her head.


"Sit down, Rovy there is something I need to tell you."

Providence looked around. "But there are no chairs."

Ottaline sighed and looked around the house. She'd never have this mess finished. The counters and cupboard the cabinets the tables the floor...everything had been destroyed with axes. The curtains on the windows were ripped and ash was racked out of the fireplace. She swallowed hard and looked at her sister.

"Ottaline..." Providence said as they stared at each other. "Is Daddy going to be all right?"

Ottaline broke down and cried. "I'm sorry, Rovy, Daddy...Daddy is dead!"

Providence pivoted. "No, that can't be." When Ottaline nodded she shook her head. "No, Ottaline I don't believe you! It can't be, it just can't!" She grabbed her sister and shook her. "Where is he? Tell me, Ottaline. Why are you saying these terrible things?"

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