16. The Wild Swans

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Ottaline was lying in bed listening to the sweet piano music drifting up through the floor when the bedroom door opened and Providence stepped in. The younger sister closed the door behind her and leaned against it.

"Oh, Rovy, I'm so glad you came!"

"It started raining," Providence said going over to the bed. "I was hoping you would come back out."

"Oh I would have," Ottaline said. "Honestly I would, but I just got too comfortable here."

"I'll say." Providence said looking around the lavishly decorated room. Even with the dark skies outside it seemed to glow. She attributed this to the golden furnishing that seemed to line everything in the room including the four poster bed. A soft rug rested on the dark wood floor that looked fine enough to sleep on. Sharing the room was a little sitting area with a table and two chairs and off of that was a water room. She stood nervously ringing her hands having never been in the presence of the grand before.

"Rovy, I've done something without asking you." Ottaline said and Providence was finally able to tear her eyes away from the fancy trappings. "I've offered to stay here and keep house for Mr. Heritage."

Providence nodded slowly. "I'm not surprised. You don't really ask me about anything anymore. And what am I supposed to do? You know how I feel about strangers."

"You'll stay with me of course," Ottaline said, surprised that Providence would worry at all. "I'd never stay some place you weren't allowed."

Providence sat down on the bed, sinking into its softness with surprise. "Is there more too this?"

Ottaline looked down and Providence knew she was guilty. "Mr. Heritage remembers our mother. I plan to ask him all I can about her." She reached out and touched her sister's hand. "We'll be fed and warm here, Rovy. Even Bambi and Racket will be out of the storm. Besides, someone has to look after this house. Lord knows it needs a woman's touch."

Providence frowned. "You're not a woman, Ottaline. We're still very much little girls."

Ottaline pushed off the heavy blankets and got out of bed. "Well someone has to take charge," she said going over to the stormy window. "Daddy is gone now and it is just us. Someone has to be responsible."

"I'm responsible!" Providence insisted.

Ottaline laughed. "Dear, Rovy I never meant that you weren't. Only...well I'm the eldest and Daddy would expect me to take care of you."

Providence forced herself to smile. Sometimes she didn't want to be the one doted over.


Given money to go to town Ottaline proved herself by making a fine dinner which the four of them were able to sit and eat at the lavish dining room table together. Neither sister could recall the last time they ate with that many people at a table.

The house held surprises around every corner and after dinner and an hour of listening to Granville play the sisters washed up and changed into their silken nightgowns which were far too long for them. Drawing the bath had been a difficult task. The house still depended on the hands of servants and lacked all the new luxuries. Water had to be heated then poured into the white tub. This took several trips up the stairs.

The dining room had a mural on each wall and a painting of cherubs attending a woman in distress on the ceiling. The chandelier had to be lit by hand and Ottaline was thankful Providence discovered some table candles before she took on the task.

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