33. The First Step

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Ottaline's foot rolled over and she stumbled forward, catching herself on the dresser. She bit into her lip and focused her intentions on her sister who stood with her arms out. She felt each time she tried to walk that her mind went blank and refused to let her legs work.

"Maybe that is enough for today," Providence said.

"Let's try one last time," Idris said. "Ottaline turn around and walk toward me. Look straight ahead and don't focus on anything else."

Ottaline nodded and used the dresser to bout face. She stood upright on wobbling legs but kept her focus, not on her feet, but on her destination. She slowly raised her arms as she shuffled toward Idris. One foot and then the other, one foot and then the other, one foot— she wobbled but stubbornly forced her knees straight. She had spent enough time on the ground.

"Almost," Idris encouraged. "Almost." As she neared he raised his arms under her elbows and let her take hold of his upper arm. "Good job!" he said.

Ottaline smiled, breathing heavily. She had made it to one of them without falling. She turned herself around and started toward Providence.

"You can rest now," Providence said but her sister was determined.

Ottaline felt the gears turning in her mind like a locomotive starting. One foot and then the other, one foot and then the other. She reached Providence but immediately turned back to Idris who slowly took a step back as she came near him. When she reached him she stopped only to catch her breath then she turned back to Providence who had copied Idris and stepped back further. She reached her sister who caught her by the hands.

"You did it Ottaline!" Providence explained, pulling her into a hug and smiling at Idris over her shoulder. "You walked." She could feel her sister's pounding heart on her own chest. There was a light tap on the door frame and Granville stood there sprinkled with rain.

"What's going on?"

Ottaline gave her sister a sly smile and with her head held up she started for the door. Granville immediately moved to catch her but Idris stopped him. Little by little Ottaline made her way toward Granville who stood in shock.

Ottaline stopped just short of him and smiled. "Will you grade me well, Mr. Heritage?"

Granville thought he would fall to his knees. He opened his arms and embraced her when she reached him.

When she was free of his arms Ottaline turned to her sister and gave her another hug. She then held her at arms' length. "No more waiting on me," she said wiping her tears away.

Providence shrugged. "You're my sister." she said. "I didn't mind at all."

Ottaline smiled then turned to Granville. "Might we go for a walk?"

Granville and Idris laughed. "It's raining," Granville said. "And I still think you should take it slowly. You'll need to build up the strength in your legs again."

"I know how to do that," Ottaline said. "Dancing." She and Providence joined hands and turned in a slow circle.


Idris read over the letter to his brother Jessop once more. Not getting a response the first time had not blighted his determination. He took the walk down to the post with Ottaline and Providence so that the former could stretch her legs.

"I wonder if Ishmael Richmond is missing his dog yet," Ottaline said on the way back.

Idris scoffed. "He has probably already had it replaced. He looked up toward the house and halted the girls in their steps when he saw a figure in black coming down the porch. The figure caught sight of them then bolted toward the woods.

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