30. Monsters of Richmond Wood

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"Can you feel that?"

Ottaline watched Granville move her leg up and down and nodded. "Yes."

"Well that's good," Granville said. "You have feeling in both your legs."

"When can I walk?"

"When you've recovered fully," Granville said. "I've opened the window. It's a lovely summer day. Perhaps you would like to sit on the balcony."

Ottaline looked at the wooden wheelchair in the corner and shook her head. She hated the sight of that thing since she first laid eyes on it four days ago. She was already tired of sitting all the time and tired of being dependent upon others.

"I should be helping Providence in the kitchen," she said hopefully.

"You should be resting," Granville said. "I don't want you trying to walk by yourself. If you fall you could be injured. If you need something just ring for me or your sister."

Ottaline nodded her head. As Granville left the room she picked up the notebook beside her. It was easy to solve the equations and she was a little hurt that Mr. Heritage had simplified her lessons. Just because she didn't remember how to walk didn't mean her brain was broken.


Ottaline watched the soap bob like a little boat on the surface of the murky bathwater. She wiggled her toes which popped out above the surface. She couldn't understand how she could move and feel her legs but not use them.

Providence sat outside the door on a stool reading a medical book on plants trying to remember all the names.

"I'm ready to get out," Ottaline said from the other side of the door.

Providence marked her place and set the book down on the stool before going in. She took a towel from the sink and wrapped it around her sister. With all her might she pulled her out of the sleek tub and into the adjacent wheelchair.

Ottaline pulled her nightgown over her head and Providence helped her adjust it. "I really am too heavy for you,"

"Not at all," Providence said.

Ottaline bent forward and dried her legs. "Did you have a good day?"

"I just did chores, studied and sat around all day," Providence said putting a shawl around her sister's shoulders.

"Sounds proper enough," Ottaline said.

Providence pushed the chair out of the water room and up the hall to the bedroom. "But very boring," she said. "Mr. Heritage seems to have lost his enthusiasm for teaching. He spent most of lunch in a day dream. And Mr. Idris has decided to make a map of the tunnels." She closed the bedroom door behind them and helped Ottaline finish dressing for the night. "Mr. Heritage says we should move you downstairs so you can at least take supper with us." She helped her sister into the bed then propped up her pillow.

"Did he say anything else?"

"How do you mean?"

"Did he mention how soon I could start walking again?"

"He didn't," Providence said. She rounded the bed and climbed in with her book. "Do you want to look at some more pictures?"

Ottaline forced a smile to her face then nodded and Providence moved closer to her in the bed. While the younger sister explained what each drawing was with enthusiasm the eldest stared into space.

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