15. Busted

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After school on Wednesday, the girls stopped in town to buy something to eat. Food was running low and biscuits could no longer satisfy.

"I don't think the doctor fixed my brace right," Providence said rubbing her leg as they walked home.

"Maybe we can see him tomorrow then," Ottaline said.

Providence hurried to catch up with her. "What are you thinking, Ottaline? I know that look."

Ottaline shrugged as she swung her books. "It is nothing, Rovy. I was only wondering what this town could be hiding." They stopped at a turn in the road. "It seems normal enough." She shook her head. "I'm fixing to drive myself crazy thinking about it all day."

Providence swung her books over her shoulder and walked on. "I don't want to think about it. Can we think about finishing my new dress instead, or what we will eat tomorrow?"

The sisters rounded the corner at the same time and gasped. "Oh my goodness!"

"What happened?" Providence asked as she followed her sister into the littered yard. All of their remaining belongings had been thrown out of the house. She scooped up her Sunday dress and dusted off the dirt. "Why did they do this?"

Ottaline picked up her sewing kit and cook book with a sigh. "It must have been Mr. Spencer," she said. "We can no longer pay to live here."

"But...but," Providence stammered. "This is our house."

"No, Rovy we paid money to stay here month to month," Ottaline said picking up her Sunday dress and their hats. "I reckon Daddy was a little behind." She sighed and picked up Providence's nearly completed dress. It would have to be washed before it was worn.

"These are only our things," Providence said. "Where is Daddy's suit and his other clothes?"

Ottaline dropped what she was carrying onto the bed quilt. "They probably took them." she said. "I'll get the wagon and you see to the Rabbits."

"But, Ottaline!" Providence protested. "If we can't stay here anymore then where will we go?"

Ottaline had no answer for her sister. She retrieved the wagon in silence and put the bundled quilt in.

When Providence realized she would not be answered she went over to the rabbits in their cage dabbing a tear from her eye with her sleeve. "Come on, ya'll," she said picking up the cage. She put it on the wagon then stood next to Ottaline.

They both looked over their shoulders when they heard a crunch in the woods. Mr. Smith stood among the trees with his smallest child. "I'm sorry girls," he said. "There was nothing anyone could do. Spencer was up here with Deputy Colebrook and they gave us four days to get off the land."

"But why, sir?" Ottaline said. "We've all lived on Mr. Spencer's land for as long as I've been born."

"Longer," Mr. Smith said. "But these here lands no longer belong to snake-faced Spencer. He sold out to Mr. Richmond just Monday."

"But where will we go?" Providence asked.

"Me and my folks got family in Virginia." Mr. Smith said. "Since Franklin no longer has a decent job we've decided to pack up and move there. It's the same all around. Folks being run off the land they've paid for loyally month after month and year after year. Even the McDowell family."

Ottaline frowned. "But they own their land."

"Not anymore," Smith said. "Richmond offered them a price they couldn't refuse." The child in his arms grew restless. "You girls take care of yourselves." he said and walked off through the woods.

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