37. Vanity and Guilt

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Thomas adjusted his goggles and used his tiny tools very delicately as Granville stood back and watched.

"All right," Thomas said. "Turn out the lamp."

Granville turned down the gas lamp until the flame went out.

In the darkness he heard a swishing sound then a bright green light began to light up the room as the liquid swashed around on the vial in Thomas' hand.

Granville held up his fingers and watched the shadow of his hand in the light. "How...how did you do that?"

"Ask the firefly," Thomas said. "By following the chemical formula combining luciferase and luciferin we are able to mimic the light produced by glow worms and fireflies, a cold light." He opened the vial and stuck his finger inside. Moving it quickly he made little swirls in the air.

"That's amazing," Granville said.

"You can learn a lot from creation," Thomas said. "And it's far better than being lectured for hours by a professor who already thinks he knows everything." He poured the vial into a large one and the light turned gold. "This here is our best weapon," he said capping it off. He then gently placed it into a padded case and closed and locked it shut. "The night that ship arrives will be pitch black but we will make sure it has a safe passage and we will catch those no good men in action."

Granville sighed. "I hope this works," he said. "To be honest I thought I'd hear a more fool proof plan."

Thomas patted his shoulder. "You'll see when it happens," he said with a reassuring smile as he lit the gas lamp again. "Now," he said putting his hand on the case. "This needs to be shaking up as little as possible. If the glass breaks the formula will activate and we'll have to start over and mind you I am unwilling to give out my formula. This has to go right the first time or else we're back at square one."

Granville nodded. "I'll do my part."

"I'm glad to hear that, Granville." He extended his hand and shook his. "And it's a pleasure to be working with you again."

"One more thing," Granville said. "Your messenger, I didn't get a look at him but he dropped a pin of sorts that read EAK, what's that about."

Thomas shrugged. "Must be something important to the messenger, I don't know what it is. Did you bring it with you?"

"Yes," Granville said reaching in his pocket. "I have it here, see."

Thomas quickly took the pin and put it in the pocket of his smock. "I'm sure he'll be glad to have it back."

Ottaline stepped back from the workshop door and leaned against the wall. Their way of winning was such a fragile link in the chain. If they were caught, the Richmonds would waste no time dispatching them all with a bullet. With a worried heart she crept back up stairs to try to sleep.


The next morning Ottaline set out alone. Now that they had their weapon they would be leaving shortly but she didn't want to miss the opportunity to explore the city. She wandered about until she came to a clothing shop. She stepped inside to find other ladies busy shopping and picking out fabric for clothes they wanted made.

Ottaline walked the store until she found someone who worked there. The tall thin woman smiled at her as she decorated a window display.

"May I help you?"

"Yes, ma'am." Ottaline said. "I'd like to look at some corsets."

The woman looked her up and down. "Ready to start wearing corsets are we?" she asked. "perhaps you should come back with your mother. She'd be better suited for helping you."

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