21. Bones of the Best

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It wasn't until morning that they were able to truly see if someone had been creeping around. Ottaline and Providence peeked out the window as Idris and Granville stood over footprints left in the mud. The house didn't have a lattice so they weren't sure how the person had gotten up to the balcony.

"They must have had a rope," Idris reasoned.

"Well we had better check all the doors and make sure the locks are sound," Granville said. He swung his rifle over his shoulder and they started back inside the house.

Providence and Ottaline quickly seated themselves back at their lessons and pretended to be busy. A second later Granville appeared in the doorway. "You girls remember the warning I gave you," he said going over to the blackboard."

"Yes, sir," the sister chorused.

"Do well to mind it." He looked at the open book on the table then wrote down the assignment. "It will be a good idea today for you to study your German," he said and down went Ottaline's head on her desk. "It will keep you busy. I want you to write the three different articles for each of these words." He wrote four words on the blackboard. "Then I want you to use them in sentences." He closed the book. "You'll finish your math assignment from yesterday and that will complete your lessons." He checked his watch. "You may have two hours outside but you are to be back here at 3:00PM."

Ottaline watched him leave the room then she turned to her sister who had already copied the words onto her paper. "How is it you are so good at this?"

Providence scoffed. "You're good at everything else. I'll help you if you want."

Ottaline sighed. "Why can't we learn French like normal people?"

"I like German," Providence said. "Besides, you've never shied from challenge before."

Ottaline smiled. "I guess you're right," she said and set to her lessons.


When the girls had finished they changed into their plaid and gingham and readied to leave the house. Not able to immediately find Mr. Heritage or Mr. Idris they left a note as to where they would be then set out.

The first stop was Wild Wood Lake where they ate sandwiches atop the boulder and watched the minnows swimming in the shade. Secondly they went to Dipper Street and picked wild flowers which they then sat on Hawks Hill to braid together while Providence sang Backe Backe Kuchen.

When Providence was decorated in all sorts of flowery bands she stood and looked down the hill. "This is where I saw the man from."

Ottaline joined her and looked down. "From so far off? Then he had plenty of time to go into the older part of the cemetery."

"No, he went round back the mausoleums," Providence said. "He didn't go farther than that."

"We should have a look for ourselves then," Ottaline said.

"So you believe me?"

"Sure," Ottaline said. "After that scare last night I don't doubt it. Now come on. We only have until 3:00. And bring all your flowers. We can leave them on Daddy and Mama's graves." The girls descended the hill and first stopped at their father's grave. The shells had sunken into the earth and most could barely be seen. Ottaline decorated the grave with all of her flowers then stood back.

"I don't think we can really ever make it beautiful," Providence said.

Ottaline turned away. "Come on, we'll leave the rest for Mama." She walked through the gate with Providence following her. They carefully rounded each grave careful not to step on them. When they came to the headstone they stared at it for a moment. "She was so young."

Sabbath's 2 Darlings- The 12: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now