3. Angel on the Street

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The lone voice of an owl drifted in on the mountain breeze through the open window. Ottaline opened her eyes to the sound and sat up in bed. Providence was curled up next to her sleeping soundly and through the dark she could make out their school clothes laid out in the chair for the morning.

She got out of bed and went over to the window. The sharp rustling of the trees in the stiff wind told of a storm coming. She removed the stack of bricks from the window and let it close shutting out the sounds of the night. She turned back to the bed and noticed a glow flickering in a streak across the floor. When she heard voices coming from outside the room she tiptoed to the door and pulled the short rope gently to open it.

She could see clear into the kitchen and living room and could see the back of her father as he knelt down with another man.

"Be careful," her father said as he helped the man lower a rope into a hole.

"I am!" the other man hissed.

"You're bumping the sides."

"Do you think I want to mess this up when it means my life?"

"I warned you," Mr. Sabbath said. "I warned you, Jude. Why didn't you listen to me?"

Jude Richmond laughed. "You know no one has been able to tell me otherwise once I made my mind up." He said slapping Mr. Sabbath on the back. "I thank you, Johnny you are a true pal."

Mr. Sabbath shrugged his hand away. "You gave me little choice," he said eyeing the hodgepodge eyed man. "You were going to send me to jail or did you forget about that little part?"

Jude laughed. "Hey, you used to be a professional at this and I had no one else to ask. And I promise you'll have my family's protection if someone was to suspect you. I give you my word." He put one hand on his heart and held the other up.

Mr. Sabbath put the floor boards back in place and stood. He stared down at the space then looked at Jude when he slapped him on the back.

"No one will know unless you tell."

"I was reformed," Mr. Sabbath said. "I promised Catherine I'd be a new person."

Jude sucked his teeth. "She's dead, Johnny," he said. "And the dead don't give no never mind." He put his hat on his head then reached into his pocket and looked at his watch. "The servants will be at the house at this time." he said. "Do you mind if I stay here until sunup?"

Mr. Sabbath looked around. "I'll be leaving for the house now too," he said. "I'd prefer you didn't."

Jude stuffed his watch back in his pocket and Mr. Sabbath sighed.

"I'll make an excuse for you to Esau if anyone asks where you have been," he said. "I only ask that you keep your promise and let nothing happen to my daughters." He held out his hand and Jude stared down at his hard worked fingers.

A smile came to the young man's face. "As long as you are living old John." He said and they shook hands.

Ottaline watched the light slip from the room as her father left with Jude Richmond. She squeezed her eyes shut tight then opened them again willing for what she had seen to all just be a dream.


That Friday after school Providence and Ottaline set to their chores. Providence sat on a stool scrubbing the linens while Ottaline pinned them on the line. She hadn't told her sister what she had seen but Providence was suspicious of her silence.

"You're letting the sheet touch the ground."

Ottaline snapped out of her daze and pinned the sheet higher. "I'm gonna take Daddy his lunch next do you want to walk with me?"

Sabbath's 2 Darlings- The 12: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now