Oh My Malik (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Malik

A/N this is my second piece of fan fiction i think its better that my last one. hope you enjoy please comment, fan and vote. thanks for starting to read this. If there are any spelling mistakes I'm really sorry :p.

Love you guys, from Charlie xxx

It was Friday afternoon and I was in the car with my Mum, Dad and older brother Nathan, on the way to visit Auntie Lizzy in London. I was so excited to go to London because it was were the boys from One Direction lived and I was hoping for a day where my cousin, Ella and I could try and find them. My mum had said yes but we were waiting to find out what Auntie Lizzy thought about it. Nathan said it was a stupid idea and I was never going to meet them. I just ignored him and plugged in my headphones and turned up my music, drowing out the noise of the car

After another hour of travelling we pulled into Auntie Lizzy's driveway. We climbed out of the car, grabbed our bags and headed up to the already open door where Auntie Lizzy, Uncle Peter, Ali and Ella where waiting to welcome us. Ali was the same age as Nathan, 20 and Ella was two years younger than me,16. "Hey, Guys" Mum said hugging them all.

I have to share a room with Ella which really wasn't a problem as her room was plastered in One Direction posters and when I say plastered I mean there is litrally no wall showing at all. We talked about our plans for the following day because Auntie Lizzy had said Ella could come with me. After dinner Ella put on the "Up All Night Live Tour DVD" I'd seen in like a billion times but these boys never get boring. My favourite part was the first song 'Na Na Na' It was so fun to watch. I think we finally fell asleep at about half past 10 which is really early for Ella and I normally we don't get to sleep until about 1 in the morning. However, we had decided that we would get up early in the morning, make lunch, snacks and drinks so we could follow the boys around all day without having to buy food and which which will waste valueble following time.

The alarm went off at 6 in the morning. Both Ella and I shot out of bed, dressed in super quick time and decided we would do our make-up on the tube on the way to the studio where One Direction were recording. After dressing we raced downstairs to make the food. I made lunch while Ella wrote each of the band memebers a special note from her. While Ella packed our rucksacks I wrote my own letters to the boys and put my twitter name at the bottom of each of them. Here's what they said:

Zayn: Thank you for being youself and not letting the haters get to you because you're amazing just the way you are.

Louis: Thank you for making me laugh when I upset

Harry: Thank you for not changing your gorgeous curls

Liam: Thank you for 1,2,3 flick and having an amazing smile

Niall: Thank you for being you and Having a laugh that's so infectious

1D: thank you for making me feel beautiful

Finally at half past six I left a note to Auntie Lizzy and my mum to tell them where we were going and that we had our moblies with us if they need to contact us. Then we walked to the nearest tube station and got on the tube. It wasn't long until we reached the stop for the studio. Ella and I sat on the curb opposit the studio and waited for the boys to arrive. I suprised me that there were only five other people waiting. We got chatting to them, their names were Mia, Rachel, Gemma and Layla, they were all 16 and each girl liked a different memeber. My favouirte memeber was Zayn but all the other boys had something that I loved too. Anyway the band had spotted us and started to make their way over to us with Paul following them. Ella and I quickly pulled out our notes, cameras and note books ready for the boys to read, use and sign.

Louis got to us first we chatted for a bit, took pictures and gave him our notes. I watched carefully as he read mine. A massive grin spread across his face "Its my pleauser, Sorry what was your name?" he asked and i realized I had forgotten to introduce myself to him

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