Stay Strong Bracelet✨

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The plane journey back wasn't bad at all. Me and Ryan sorted everything out and we're back to normal. We're now waiting for the taxi to pick us up and drop us all off.

'Here it is' Andy said pointing towards the taxi driving towards us. We all got in and we were all dropped off at Ryan's.

'Do you want to go home tonight or stay at mine? The others are going home so I figured you might want to too' he said running his hands through his hair.

'I'll stay at yours' I smiled taking his hand in mine as we walked into his house and were greeted by his family.

'Hey' Sharna said smiling as she walked passed me and into the living room.

'Georgiaaaa' Lolly shouted as she ran at me hugging me tighter than ever.

'Well, my sisters more excited to see my girlfriend than she is me' Ryan pouted as Lolly laughed and hugged him.

'Lets go in the living room' Hayley said as she walked out of the kitchen and led us into the living room where we all sat down.

'Is it nice to be home then?' Hayley asked.

'So nice' Ryan said wrapping his arm around me.

'It'll be weird not being around each other all of the time now though, won't it?' Sharna said as she looked up from her phone.

'I guess but we'll get used to it' I smiled.

'Should we go upstairs?' Ryan asked looking at me as I nodded and we both stood up.

'Well it was nice talking to you both, what are you doing tomorrow? I could make us a family dinner and invite the family and of course your mum and Liam' Hayley smiled.

'We'll discuss this upstairs and let you know later' he said taking my hand and leading my upstairs.

'That was so rude' I giggled.

'I know, I just didn't want you to feel awkward' he said opening his bedroom door and shutting it firmly behind him.

'I didn't feel awkward, I thought it was sweet of her to ask' I smiled.

'Well we can let her know we agree to this dinner shit later but right now I just want to kiss your lips ' he smirked grabbing my waist and pulling me in until there was not gap between us and our lips connected.

'I love you' I said as I pulled away and nuzzled my head into his chest.

'I love you more' he smirked as we walked over and sat on his bed.

'Really?' I laughed.

'Yes' he smiled kissing my forehead.

'Ryan?' Lolly shouted knocking on the door.

'Yes?' He shouted back.

'Can I come in?' She asked as we both laughed.

'Yes' he said as the door opened and she walked in and sat on the floor.

'Can we do a Younow? Just us and Sharna?' She asked smiling.

'I like that idea' I smiled as she raised her hand and we high fived.

'Ok then, go ask Sharna' he said as she stood up and left the room.

'I'm quite excited now' I smiled.

'Same, I'm going to go tell my mum we're happy about tomorrow, you coming?' He asked as he stood up holding his hand out for me to grab.

'Come on then, but first I want a piggy back' I smirked.

'You're so difficult, get on my back then' he laughed turning around as he hopped on his back and he took me downstairs.

'Faster, faster' I said ruffling his hair as he laughed.

'I can't go any faster and I'd stop shouting that if I was you, people might get some weird ideas' he laughed as I hit his head.

'Only you, you little shit' I laughed as we reached the living room where Hayley was sat.

'What are you two doing?' She laughed as I jumped off Ryans back and we sat down.

'We've decided to agree to you LR family dinner tomorrow' Ryan smiled.

'Alright, I'll let your mum know later on but me, Sharna and Lolly are going to go shopping now' she said as she stood up and shouted of both Lolly and Sharna.

'We'll be back in about two hours as we're going to go see your auntie' Hayley smiled as they walked out the door locking it behind them.

'2 hours to ourself' Ryan smirked.

'Don't even think about it' I laughed.

'Think about what?' He asked acting as if he had no clue what I was on about.

'You know what, besides I need a bath, can I go in yours?' I asked.

'Of course, you don't need to ask, silly' he smiled kissing my forehead.

I went to run a bath and as I opened the door Ryan jumped out from behind the door scaring the absolute shit out of me.

'RYAN YOU ABSOLUTE TWAT' I screamed barely breathing as I was in shock still.

'I'm sorry but that was too funny, I'm so glad I recorded it' he said doubling over with laughter.

'Your such a little shit, I'll get you back' I pouted.

'And how you going to do that?' He smiled turning me around so I was now face to face with him.

'You'll see' I smirked as he leant forward and our lips interlocked.

'I love you' he smiled.

'I love you too, I guess' I smiled back.

'I have something for you' he said taking my hand as he lead me to sit on his bed.

'This is my bracelet, I've worn it for the past 3 years and it's basically a piece of me. I want you to have it so that every time you're feeling down or upset or that you just can't take it anymore you'll look at it and it'll remind you that I'm always here. I want it to remind you that no matter how low you're feeling I'm here for you and if I'm not there in person to hug you and hold you tight you'll always have my bracelet. Maybe it's a silly idea but I just want to help and I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy. I love you and this bracelet is so that you're constantly reminded i'm here for you' He said placing the bracelet on my wrist and softly kissing my lips.

'Thank you, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done or said to me' I smiled as a tear ran down my face.

'Anything for you my love' he smiled.


Reorgia Or Gyan?😝

Idk I thought the last part was cute and it made me happy🙈💞

Sorry for the delay in updating but I've been so busy with being in year 11 now😴

Please Comment/Share/Vote as it means a lot knowing what you think and if you like it💁

Will try update maybe tonight or tomorrow, depends❤️

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