Chapter Four

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Many thanks to sponsor Chris Martin @therealMartianMartin for his generous support of vampire survival. If you're in town and would like to join the fight, Mr. Martin and Miss Yasuko Kushida will be at the annual ACSS Survivor Fundraiser. Tickets in the link, all proceeds will go to the ACSS and Vampire Survival Foundation. Meet and Greet will take place every Friday of January, starting @ 9pm
#ACSS #vampireslive #VampireSurvival #Techland #TechlandPark #meetandgreet #meetavamp #meetYasuko #Yasukovampire #Yasuko #Kushida

 Meet and Greet will take place every Friday of January, starting @ 9pm#ACSS #vampireslive #VampireSurvival #Techland #TechlandPark #meetandgreet #meetavamp #meetYasuko #Yasukovampire #Yasuko #Kushida

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"No, ma'am, I'm afraid not." Breeze told the latest in a long line of complainers, squeezing his hands together as he forced his genial smile in place.

"This is ridiculous." The woman stressed, gesturing down the length of her body. "You can't ask me to wear the same outfit twice! That's absurd!"

He tried not to stare pointedly at the large placard sitting by the front entrance. Or the additional three within a fifty foot radius. Or the brochure gripped in the woman's left fist. All of which read across the front: PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS! VAMPIRES ARE SENSITIVE TO EXCESSIVE STIMULI. FOR YOUR SAFETY AND OUR VAMPIRE FRIENDS', CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES MUST BE CLEARED WITH STAFF BEFORE INTERACTING WITH VAMPIRES.

Breeze did, however, politely pause for a moment, in case revelation would strike. It didn't, sadly. "If I could direct you to the terms and conditions, which were included when you bought your ticket," With practiced ease, he picked up a plastic clipboard, tapping the crisp, laminated paper lying there. "" He pointed at the specific line.

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