Chapter Fifty One

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"Tavia should be here soon

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"Tavia should be here soon." Tavius said, chewing on his thumb and conveying just how anxious his statement made him. Usually it was his twin who resorted to worrying, but August understood why his brother was on edge. Of the whole family, Tavia might take the news the hardest. Redbud would put up the biggest fight, but Tavia...

"When did she land?"

Tavius checked his phone for confirmation, announcing an estimated T-minus ten minutes until family drama ensued.

Yasuko nudged her plate towards August, tapping the rim with her fork. He pushed it back, ignoring the sullen look she threw at him. With theatric reluctance, she speared a tomato and ate it. He was slightly surprised she didn't pretend to gag, but even she wasn't so childish.

They were currently ensconced in Hotel Del Luna, one of the fanciest and most expensive lodgings in Portland. An architectural marvel of gravity-defying glass and metal, it was owned by a union of magician firms. A guest was either a potential client of said firms or invited by recommendation. The staff was entirely composed of luck magicians, meaning that all guests were subject to a rather impressive fortune wheel—in other words, they benefited from incredible luck, as long as they were within the hotel. Tavius had chosen their battlefield well.

August had to wonder, though, how his brother had secured access to the hotel. As far as he was aware, the Autumn fairies—as well as most other factions—had specifically denounced the legitimacy of magicians. Humans couldn't store magic within themselves; sorcerers were the exception only because they borrowed power from other dimensions. The official opinion was that the wealth and success of the luck magicians was the result of clever scams. On paper, Tavius should have had no connection to the luck industry. Yet somehow he'd managed to secure for them a penthouse suite, without a reservation.

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